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I'd be a great father if I simply had money.
But because of my unwillingness to participate in capitalist society (not my unwillingness to work, like farm or build a house, but it's literally illegal for me to do these things) yes I'd be a "bad father" because literally everything is about money under capitalism.
No money = no pussy
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>>569925It is illegal to just build a house in the woods.
It is illegal to just hunt/fish.
It is illegal to just farm.
It is illegal to collect rainwater in some states.
It is illegal to shit in a hole.
If you try to build a house on land you own in most places the state will declare that your house is condemned and unfit to live in and demolished at your expense.
Why would the state do this? You didn't have a permit. You didn't submit plans. You didn't build your house to "code". You violate zoning rules. You didn't have an inspector. You didn't connect your house to municipal water / electrical / sewer. You don't have a septic. You didn't have a licensed "X" do "X" job. You didn't pay property tax. This list goes on.
Look you fucking faggot, none of this is my fault, I did not consent. I will not play the fucking game and be a wageslave.
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I'm so pilled I know the recipe to create the ultimate Chad, even if half their genes came from my shitty side. They may not like me when it's over but they would be successful whether they like it or not.
If it's a girl then I don't know… Probably the only way to raise a girl properly today is to homeschool her and try to keep modern culture out of her reach.
But these days a foid will simply get bored and decide to ruin all of your lives by getting a divorce and the government will make it so you hardly see your children again so it probably is for the best even though it sucks sometimes knowing you'll never be able to live that norm life they taught you about growing up.
Too many people anyway.
I would be a perfect father, me being cel is a disservice to the world and a great injustice.
>>569928Nah it's pretty easy. The reason your boss has issues with his kids is because he's at work most of the time and has pretty much left his kids to be "raised" by public school, TV, and the internet. I bet he has at least 3 different brainless apps downloaded on the phone to keep them busy. Well I guess they're too young to be getting damaged by public school yet.
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>>569976The movie theater called they want their projector back.
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haysuz has been catfishing with my pics and getting pussy pictures
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love the comfort of my bedroom/mindprison
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>>569992You know those animes where they're transported into someone's psyche and there's all sorts of weird stuff going on.
Sometimes I think about how terrifying mine would be.
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i wouldnt have turned out like this if shamiko had invaded my psyche and pried me out