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File: 1656965738976.png (4.9 MB, 3364x3758, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….png)

No. 569406

keep american spirit


File: 1656966865549.jpg (449.71 KB, 3035x2150, 1215.jpg)

The zoomers call me depressed and think it's quirky and cool just like in their tiktoks


File: 1656994327205.jpg (101.64 KB, 771x768, squid.jpg)

Another day another mass shooting
The norms need to realize this is only going to get worse until they start taking cel's rights seriously


File: 1657009634396.jpg (886.84 KB, 1920x1080, 2022-07-05-041318_1920x108….jpg)

Was a very American 4th of July.

I really liked this song in FFVIIIRI. I downloaded the soundtrack in FLAC, but the track is 6 minutes, while in game it's only a loop of 1 minute of that.

So I cut it with ffmpeg to match that loop. Enjoy, it's not on Youtube like this except one video with bad quality.



the shooter wasnt even cel sexhavers are holding the L on this one


Average (Mean) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2009-2015):
Norway — 1.888
Serbia — 0.381
France — 0.347
Macedonia — 0.337
Albania — 0.206
Slovakia — 0.185
Switzerland — 0.142
Finland — 0.132
Belgium — 0.128
Czech Republic — 0.123
United States — 0.089


that cant be right i thought finland was paradise on earth how can there be mass shootings in the same country where moominvalley is


Typical (Median) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2009-2015):

United States — 0.058
Albania — 0
Austria — 0
Belgium — 0
Czech Republic — 0
Finland — 0
France — 0
Germany — 0
Italy — 0
Macedonia — 0
Netherlands — 0
Norway — 0
Russia — 0
Serbia — 0
Slovakia — 0
Switzerland — 0
United Kingdom — 0

Using the median analysis, the United States is the only country examined that shows a propensity for mass shootings. The data itself supports this interpretation, as the United States endured mass shooting events all seven years, but the other countries all experienced mass shootings during only one or two years. Thus, in a typical year, most countries experience zero mass shooting deaths, while the US experiences at least a few.



Finland is full of spergcels


this statistic clearly shows how the rest of the world falls behind the us of a these developing third world nations need to step up their game if they want to be considered civilised



cease posting

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