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>Dragonball Z
I too am a hispanic from Latin America, and I also like Cardcaptor Sakura.
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>>592369heres your proof and i know for a fact im not the only one sorry the spinoffs arent the boys club youd like to believe
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>>592425Yeah this time with shoe on head, that can't be faked
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>>592437 Please avoid using the term “photoshop” as a verb, meaning any kind of photo manipulation or image editing in general. Photoshop is just the name of one particular image editing program, which should be avoided since it is proprietary. There are plenty of free programs for editing images, such as the GIMP.
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>>592440 Please avoid using the term “shoop” as a noun, meaning any kind of manipulated or edited image in general. Photoshop is just the name of one particular image editing program, which should be avoided since it is proprietary. There are plenty of free programs for editing images, such as the GIMP.
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what is this thing on my thigh? its been there for at least 15 years
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Ciara Horan is the only chan girl I'll ever love, RIP.
>>592392hardly an intrusion since ive been around since .tk
>>592397no and no im already taken by henri
>>592415believe it
i come around less than i used to just like everyone else but its hard to leave forever
>>592421i am evil
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>>592477>>592476It's okay to have thoughts like that and act upon them but only if it's justified. Like if you're angry about injustices in the world, and you're morally correct about them being injustices.
Obviously that's not that case here, just wanting random chaos isn't good, but targeted vengeance at people who truly deserve it (if your moral compass is correct) is natural and good.
Many people have this drive but are NPCs. Whenever you see someone talking about how they'd love to torture MAPs, "nazis", "fascists", Russians, etc. it's not because they're actually mad at that group, it's because they're taking out their desire for violence/sadism on any group that society tells them is okay.
It's like a pressure release valve, the more groups society says are not okay to hate, the more the extreme the hate the groups still socially acceptable to hate will receive.
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>>592621its min like admin not ミン like ウサミン
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feel scared knowing there's sexhavers around here i thought I was safe now I think i'm going to throw up
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otagirls sleepover takopa
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I added a girl on Discord once
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The norms, especially women, didn't so much as treat me as human until I went under the knife. Then after that they behave as if my life has value and I deserve to exist here.
But I haven't forgotten what they did.
I will make them beg for my mercy.
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drama alpacas
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norm social raiders and core ota
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feel physically sick knowing theres people with enough confidence to post their photo who visit here and read my autistic mumbles
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this site is basically a monastery
and the users the monks
we come here to this sanctuary to read and discuss the holy scriptures and gaze upon the sacred images
the idea of a foid befouling the inner sanctum is quite frankly, abominable
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>>592686wow fumika enjoyer
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think im pretty cute with my neetcut and untrimmed nails and gaunt complexion if i do say so myself
>>592776post another pic proving it
and then i'll post a picture of myself for you to rate
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sigh so close yet so far
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try drinking starry pee and saltines
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thinking about yuri couples going on yuri dates to the yuri cat cafe
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yuri is a front for when no boys are available
girls seek boys and vice versa
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This is such a good dark pattern it tricked me
Everyone knows red means cancel and blue means accept, and accept is normally on the right side
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private tracker scum
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bored waiting for my mom so i drew the otalass
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>>593180Deal with it white boy!
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girls like girls and are indifferent towards boys
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>>593224The original numa numa video was deleted off Youtube.
>>593288I have a nice pussy.
probably around age 14 or 15.
I hate being a foid.
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>Bump limit
rofI am an incomparable homo