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NG+6 in 69 minutes, no glitches, died several times to bosses.
Finally on NG+7 (the max difficulty), just want to collect some boss runes, kill Mohg, and I'm ready.
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There's no DRM so you can pirate it if you're a poorfag. No excuses.
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uhhh what about the cute ricefoids with ugly faces at work that cels like us think are pretty anyways
>>623320you made me cancel my cancellation i hope you are happy
i bought several onaholes at this point already and they mostly have been a disappointment probably because my lack of foreskin has desensitized my penis where anything that isn't me deathgripping my glans feels underwhelming
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the friends won.
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NG+7 is a huge bump in difficulty in terms of damage taken. NG+1-4 is basically the same exact thing.
Enemies have way more health and it's really hard to stagger. On regular NG I can basically stunlock Melania to death
I had a really hard time though, probably like 40 attempts. If I was far enough away I dodged waterfowl but I literally can't up close, even after watching videos. Just threw freezing pot if she was close
Fun fight though, not looking forward to Mohg, that one is not as fun.
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I'm at the egg
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They re-used Gavlan from Dark Souls 2
You know the one that says Gavlan wheel Gavlan deal
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Funniest boss fight ever made in a Fromsoft game
>>624188Yeah the damage is insane, I swapped to STR just for some extra physical defense.
The skibidi shards matter a lot, they increase all attack and defense.
>>624233What NG are you on? On NG+7, even at shard lvl 3-4, medium armor, defense talismans, and opaline physick, I get actually 1 or 2 shot from 1900hp by so many attacks
I have seen actual 1900hp 1 shots, most people just exaggerate when they say "one shot", there's nothing like that in the base game.
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hate people who play this garbage
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more like shadow of thr NERDtree
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Me when I just AFK until the 200 NPCs surrounding this this copy pasted Ghostflame Dragon kill it.
Legitimately the worst thing I've seen in the DLC by far
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They are actually stacking rocks, it's a cute easter egg most people wouldn't notice.
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>>624234I'm just on ng but this is my build. The faith is basically cosmetic so I could be level 90
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>>624393This build is nonsense, the points in DEX are completely wasted. STR only needs 54 points to reach the 80 soft cap when 2 handing though, so that's fine.
Myself I just realized I enjoy powerstance dual-wield daggers a lot
I have 4 standard "Dagger"s at +25 now with poison + new scarlet rot AoW, bleed + Blood Blade AoW, and then 2 keen dagger
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>>624409You don't seem to be using the faith for anything except FGMS
Fire affinity scales on strength, both the physical and fire dmg, it has no benefit whatsoever from faith
Here's how you could distribute those stats at lvl 125 (prophet class)
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>>624428Sacred Relic Sword (24 dex and 22 faith) would cover the requirements of all other swords
Frankly I think (on a level capped build) swapping between 4 different greatswords with mostly the same moveset except some unique L2s that all scale with different stats is a meme
e.g. Sacred Relic almost entirely scales with DEX (the physical damage) and FTH (the holy damage)
The other swords scale with STR.
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Is that a heckin Dark Souls 3 reference
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I think I found out the best stance breaking method in the game
It is just club with cragblade. A fully charged R2 does over 51 stance damage
It's not the highest stance damage attack in the game but the difference is how quickly this R2 charges up and recovers.
Stance is based solely off weapon type and type of attack, actual damage has nothing to do with it. It's like a status bar that builds up and goes away, similar to bleed. Throwing daggers stop the stance damage from resetting.
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I wish one of the DLC greatswords had unique normals I was excited for light greatswords but they're not great for 2h
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Just posting some max graphics screenshots
It drops frames in some areas of the DLC (or the perfume bottles but lol that probably drops frames on a 4090), doesn't in anything on the base game. I've heard other people complain it's harder to run.
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>>625049Haha I like this meme
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do tell more about these… memes
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he better not watch this it might trigger his PTSD
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How the fuck was I supposed to know to get here without looking it up online or playing with online messages?
Literally how would I EVER figure that out? Honestly not okay with that kind of game design. The developer message written in the room doesn't even remotely give you a hint.
>>625268Do medium shields count?
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Wtf I'm gay now
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I actually got brainwashed IRL from the grab, I thought I was dead cause I was grabbed at low hp so when I got released I wasn't paying attention and thinking about how cute Miquella is
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