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New Shadow Tower video essay just dropped's the other PS1 King's Field with the Diablo loot system and BoTW durability system)
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can you eat pumpkin pie on halloween is it exclusively a thanksgiving dish
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didn't they ban halloween in japan
>>635003one tokyo mayor asked that people not come or tone it way down in his ward (shibuya) because it was still too much after they banned drinking outdoors for halloween and the preceding week last year
just lots of foreigners will read tokyo and mayor and take that as all of tokyo or 50% of japan's population
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>>635003>>635006Japan is being invaded by mass amounts of annoying western tourists because the yen depreciated against USD/Euro and Japan is considered chic now.
It's particularly humiliating for Japanese people to see random nigg3rs and boomers clown around their country, and have western capital enforce western norms on them through investment requirements, especially in creative works (no cleavage, racially diverse, body type A and B, all women must be old hags, no upskirts, no touching the fictional women, no tranny jokes, the list goes on).
It's called cultural imperialism.
I was browsing a Japanese 2ch clone, and one of them was lamenting about people who - if coffee was suddenly made illegal - would report people over coffee and feel morally superior, this was in reference to something else that recently became illegal in Japan in 2014 due to western influence and pressure, primarily American.
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We had one trick or treater, it's the new neighbors who don't know trick or treating hasn't been a thing in this neighborhood for like 15 years.
>>635013Did you ban evade just for that?
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>>635038It wasn't, possession was, like it still is in Russia and India.
The problem is the laws and punishments were made before the internet, and it's completely retarded when the same rules are applied to the modern digital age. You could legally have sex with your gf in most states but if you take a photo and send it to her later you are now guilty of manufacturing/distribution/possession, and yes stuff like this really does happen. You could accidentally or unknowingly see it.
The idea of "oh you accessed the wrong series of 1s and 0s on a computer = your life is over" has to be one of the most insane laws in the history of the entire world, I'm not kidding, think about the most retard tier bronze age pagan law you can, and it's more retarded than that.
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