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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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File: 1635053284839.png (290.09 KB, 500x497, feels bad man2.png)

No. 18467 [Reply]

All the threads here are the same day after day. You talk about the same shows over and over. You post the same memes over and over. Even the tripfags you wordship are the same . There is a terminal groupthink that's going on here, and it has destroyed this board. And it's making you a stupider version of yourself.



It's true, but these dweebs don't care. Otamim doesn't care. Nobody cares…

That's why this board is dead.

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No. 18466 [Reply]

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No. 18465 [Reply]

Merorin was here you guys are faggots

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No. 18464 [Reply]

Guys I think he really was anti-trans in the end.

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No. 18462 [Reply]

oh no no no whitebros… not like this…


Whites and Asians are the only race smart enough to know that suicide is the right option.

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No. 18460 [Reply]



chotto homos

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No. 18445 [Reply]

oh no
9 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


They only keep posting because you respond. but you probably already knew that.


henri would have turned into a pochi sensei and reine tubie simp by now


glad henri left before the vtubers took over




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Looking good at 83…
How can there be a gladiator 2 though?
Dude died in the end.

Also i think the napoleon movie will show some kind of admiration of napoleon when he was just a pretelling of the antichrist.

Dude only had confession on his death bed after persecution of the church, depicting himself as God to the friends, and throwing Europe back into a lost generation.

Funny how no one talks about France being war mongers.
Japan is a scape goat for China and I think China will end up as a scape goat one day too.

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No. 18444 [Reply]


/am/ official chan!

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No. 18443 [Reply]

very bubbly

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No. 18442 [Reply]


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