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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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File: 1491777429636.png (816.66 KB, 1600x900, chris_poole_moot.0.png)

No. 11648 [Reply]

Dont forget to thank the friends for bringing us japanese culture and video games!


File: 1491778284852.jpg (171.78 KB, 1280x1752, 4b544ca091a91d9eb3a8a154f5….jpg)

actually i grew up with these games before there was internet

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No. 11643 [Reply]

That's it anon, you lost the bet. Now you have to lick my foot.


I smell a Western hand on that foot


chaika can't talk that good


Western drawn feet naturally look dirtier


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No. 11641 [Reply]

i bet you've never had a gf or been laid like i have


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Eww no.

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No. 11640 [Reply]

Why are you banning 4chan images that are now part of otaku culture aka Keke,pepe, bain, and trump,

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No. 11639 [Reply]

Hello, /int/eresting people! You dont know me, but i need help. The fact is that I created my Anonym's imageboard. I need friends. Forgive me for the unexpected invasion. Now my board very small. The Internet is the only thing that makes me happy in this life. Life in my country is sad. Very sad. Angry people, dirty streets, high price and taxes - it's in the nature of things
. I just need friendship to make life better. I ask the admin not to delete it. If you agree to friendship, we can get links our sites in header/frameset/banners. I'll put the name under the spoiler so as not to disturb others. Sorry for my anglish. Maybe f-friends?

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No. 11637 [Reply]

Hello, /int/eresting people! You dont know me, but i need help. The fact is that I created my Anonym's imageboard. I need friends. Forgive me for the unexpected invasion. Now my board very small. The Internet is the only thing that makes me happy in this life. Life in my country is sad. Very sad. Angry people, dirty streets, high price and taxes - it's in the nature of things
. I just need friendship to make life better. I ask the admin not to delete it. If you agree to friendship, we can get links our sites in header/frameset/banners. I'll put the name under the spoiler so as not to disturb others. Sorry for my anglish. Maybe f-friends?


I'm surprised you even know about this place.

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No. 11614 [Reply]

I thought this was /a/ again
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


get a pipe and some loose leaf instead it's less weird for someone older to be trying that for the first time




I smoke Marlboro, but you should probably just ask for some cock.


Didn't you read the other thread


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No. 11623 [Reply]

Always remember…..


Thanks goatman.


That's lord baphomet


Goats can't be lords.

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No. 12463 [Reply]

post them




I laughed. But seriously have you ever talked to one of these things before? I was 4K elo when I played and you would get these kids who would have 120+ hours on Hanzo with a 40% win rate. Always the deep dark tone edge voice who would blame their team the entire time.

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No. 11613 [Reply]

We got a situation ova here

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