T, ya know, you have been nothing but trouble for /jp/ community since you started posting on 4chan. You're always spamming Asa theres. Why?
>That was years ag-Trump: Years??? Well you're repeating the same mistakes as back then don't you think?
>T silentTrump: Im asking you a question! Cant you answer?
>Ye-yesTrump: Oh gosh are you scared?
T: I, No si-
Trump: You know what you're scared. I can tell just looking at ya.
AND now you come into the season with Ota, Janny, Hiroyuki, and Niggy saying you are gonna close your board down because of your little brother?
>I-I- Hes to blameYou know what T, no. You've some how kept a steady flow of users up to now for your team, but in the end I don't like excuses and thats all you seem to do is blame others for your mistakes
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