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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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File: 1499071848198.png (749.54 KB, 793x1100, 2015-03-27-RainyDays00.png)

No. 13301 [Reply]

rainy days

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No. 13299 [Reply]

Virgnerd utopia right here hahahabbaabhabaa

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No. 13298 [Reply]

This is NSFW right?

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No. 13297 [Reply]

Hahahahaha, run! Ota min sees us!

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No. 13296 [Reply]


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No. 13294 [Reply]

>Please excuse my poor English to intelligent for ota

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No. 13281 [Reply]

Heaven cannot be found outside, it only comes from within.
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


"Behold, the kingdom of God is within you"
– Jesus (c. 4 BCE — c. 30 CE)


Kill yourself.


Only when God bestows it to you.
Confuscious way of thinking is each man has hevean in him on his own through self control and slef love as to find hevean within by his own marrits.

Jesus gives hevran through the Hly Sprit that the Father willed.

Man cannot go to God like taking multiple paths up a mountian. Man creates his own way where as God only has one way to Him. Man cannot find the way to God vecause man is unclean in sin. It is only by God's works that we can reach him.


The existance of God is a mtter of reason. It is not a matter of faith or beleif. If you cant understand that this reality us being birthed into exitance through the manifestation of geometric mathmatival truths and that all truth has an absolute source that exists outside of subjectivity based in objectivity than youre quite a fee years behind on the philisphores scale mentaly.


Drown in your drool braindead piece of trash.

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No. 13280 [Reply]

Some heroes are REAL

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No. 13266 [Reply]

Stay out of my territory.
8 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


wow this totally sincere bout of /pol/posting totally convinced me that you are correct. i guess we really do need to spam the same annoying messages at people.


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We are tge daimyos of your territory

/jp/ is not the enemy. The shills of /qa/ lied to you


File: 1498879701284.jpg (695.17 KB, 1300x642, taddapp1498251043197.jpg)

And anti-trump "uhhhh t-trupm! Is a pawn!"

You /qa/ libs are trying to pin /pol/ against ota. Gtfo.


die kike lover


Leave lib uni shil nsjw nazi

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No. 13251 [Reply]

i only listen


i dont listen im death in both ears



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