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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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No. 7290 [Reply]

this is when i had long hair

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No. 7262 [Reply]

Get down from that roof goth! It isn’t safe! I know that being amongst mere mortals means compromising your solitude and forces you to be eye level with ground-level heathens, but you could fall and hurt your leg, and then you’d be a limpy goth.


She is not sitting on the beams either the idiot.

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No. 7282 [Reply]

We are in the peak of the 90s inverted right now jfc I don't think I make it to the 80s😭
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What the fuck is wrong with you


Yeah, and they can stab all the other land dwelling boat people too while they are at it.



Please stick it in me Please stick it in me Please stick it in me Please stick it in me Please stick it in me


just fuckign kill me already


stop missing gnfos

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No. 7271 [Reply]

5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I am an incomparable homo i just pictured a nerdy virg typing that


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good post


smh white people


Ahh, the biggest weeb here was black, he was such a weeb that he even married his waifu.


kasumibf Please stick it in mee

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No. 7259 [Reply]

maybe i'm the wan
maybe i'm the wan
who is
the schizophrenic psycho yeaaah
maybe i'm the wan
maybe i'm the wan
who is
the schizophrenic psycho


Late 20's girls are so disgusting.


I went to hotlatinsluts.com but it just brought me to bang bros. I wanted to see Latino ass from street girls who they picked up for one day of shooting a film. What's up with that?

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No. 7256 [Reply]

no no no no


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No. 7258 [Reply]

girls my age are grown up mommy level now now its time for me to get a gf

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No. 8338 [Reply]

rate me otamin




Rate your music taste? 'Room for improvement'

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No. 7243 [Reply]

>gn comes to ota
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


anytime you want a refugee board on the h just let me know, gnfos stuff is strictly prohibited


>"I'm a /jp/ oldfag honest"
>posts only norm media


haha nice one himabro


I am an incomparable homo the ota users needs a safe space so they dont get triggered


go back to watching game of norms

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No. 7239 [Reply]

There's a sign at the window
That he struck you
A crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
Then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
You OK
Are you OK, Annie
Annie, are you OK
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I don't think you trust
In my self-righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die
In my self-righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die

Father, father, father, father
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
Father, into your hands
Why have you forsaken me?
In your eyes forsaken me
In your thoughts forsaken me
In your heart forsaken me, oh

Trust in my self-righteous suicide
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2001 was 17 years ago


no it wasn't idiot

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