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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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No. 1506 [Reply]

Me in the yellow panties next to the bf :3 r8

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No. 1505 [Reply]

This is the face I make when I see a big thick muscular man of color

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No. 1496 [Reply]

I'm tapped out niggas.
Get in here and contribute.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Just go post nude Japanese women in the lewd desu thread.


Do I win something if I post naked Japanese girls?


File: 1407969844097.gif (999.49 KB, 250x251, 140678588468.gif)

does anyone have the Aya version of this like the OP?


File: 1407974671092.gif (917.24 KB, 250x251, 1364492948434.gif)

we just don't know??


File: 1407975786082.jpg (110.73 KB, 640x480, 1377248430571.jpg)

thanks friend

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No. 1411 [Reply]

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1407622778204.jpg (255.96 KB, 1200x1800, asd (10).jpg)

They are just jealous of this bod.


I wonder when your average funposter unlearned how to distinguish between "allowed" and "won't be deleted". Posting links to anything except other boards has never been against the rules as far as I know, but please have the decency to use 2D OP images.


You realize there's another thread here with a 3D OP pic right? It's been up for a month and much of the discussion is people talking about how they are going to send each other dick pictures.


Yes, despite the fact that you probably look down on the rest of the world I am actually not stupid. What they're talking about in the thread, unless it's about how their thread is apparently allowed, has nothing to do with my post. You will also notice if you reread it that I used the plural form of images, as in if you guys (plural) are going to be posting shit like this please use 2D OPs (plural).


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It's not supposed to be allowed I was making a point that nobody seems to care anymore about what happens on /ota/.
I'll delete the thread if the other one gets deleted.
Seriously there are so many better places to discuss cocksucking and /ota/ is not one of them.

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No. 1399 [Reply]

Who /a/ here? I know most us are I'm just trying to weed out the newfags x3


mattmangos is a qt

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No. 1398 [Reply]

I fucking love how much own/a/ge is going on in this epic site filled with my nerdy ot/a/ku bros

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No. 1397 [Reply]

Haha wow my bros this website has some real own/a/ge going on right now Please forgive my rudenessDD

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No. 1396 [Reply]

Haha this board is so fucking sick for real ot/a/kus Please forgive my rudenessDD

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No. 1395 [Reply]

There's some serious ownage going on in this website like mad epic ownage how does he do it Please forgive my rudeness

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No. 1393 [Reply]

I am posting my favorite touhou because we br/a/hs are real cool Please forgive my rudeness

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