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No. 1445
>>3 on bump limit and inactive makes me sad and I miss my /2d/us.
Part two!
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The other one shouldn't die since it was the first lewd picture.
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>>1453The inside of what?
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I just can't get over how good cock smells. Mine smells pretty good and I clean it twice a day, so imagine how other people's must smell.
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>>1480Depends on how you'd treat me…
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I want to go out into the world and work really hard for someone and come home and have them rub my shoulders and then fuck their brains out and the older I get the more I wonder if it wouldn't be better with a guy
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>>1486Dudes get old too and they don't look like the dudes in these pictures even when young, please don't be fooled into thinking your ideal can be matched in the three-dimentional world.
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>>1488Who was mean to you tell us and we'll set them
straight No.1502
waah… ;_;
So dangerous this fear of love~
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>>1518I don't mind one or another rp tirade (the last thread had a couple) but when it becomes excessive I find it problematic.
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>>1521I thought about it for a moment and came up with this. I hope it helps!
>>1525I don't have a chair.
I meant something like an adjustable arm like those metal lamps like the (Pixar?) one. I would weight down the base and then take the metal planks and screw them into place. I think the holder would be a 4 silicone silicone pads in a U shape with a back plate.
I have now idea how I would make any of this though.
Thank you for taking your time to help!
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>>1530I am weirdly interested in helping you. Could you tell me what kind of dildo you have?
Weighting down the toy doesn't seem like the best idea. You'd need a lot of weight for it to stay still while you move. Having a way to keeping it stuck to one place seems a better idea, in my opinion.
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>>1532You can use a stool for the same idea. The only difference is you can't spin it around. Also that toy is kimoi but it has a point near the base where it's thinner, which is perfect. Sitting on the stool, the weight keeping the toy in place is your own which is the best, since you'd have to press down (adding more weight) to move.
I'm not picturing your adjustable arm idea very well, I'm sorry. Maybe you could make a picture or something like that? I keep insisting in my idea because it's cheaper than buying sillicone and stuff, but maybe you could use other materials.
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Sorry that I am bad at drawing.
I think there needs to be a better system to attach the holder to the arms so that the dildo can be rotated into more angles.
>>1554This is a continuation of
>>3, dude. Everything here either has a dick or… no, everything here has a dick.
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I've been thinking about cocks a whole lot. I wish I had a boyfriend, so we could be naked together throughout the day.
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>>1554I dislike them they look overused when they stick out like that
Spoilered for not-gay
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>>1562Absolutely. I was afraid I was alone in thinking this.
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Look, a butt!
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Less talking more picturing posting.
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im horny
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i need to save myself for my /2d/u boyfriend
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>>1673i don't have one yet… but I'll get one for sure!
>>1675Wait how did u do that!
and yes it's safe semen is just water/fructose/sperm
I wish I could fill my butt to the brim with dick milk and then insert a buttplug and stay like that all day, I'm jealous…
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>>1681Are you sure? I'm kind of lewd…
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>>1689Ways to touch other people and make them feel good!
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>>1698Why is it considered gay to want to play with Flandre's cute boy dick but not gay when you're playing with your own?
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I'm tempted to buy one just like
>>978, because they're on sale. But I feel like it's embarrassing if anyone finds out. Should I do it, /2d/?
you will thank me once you do
trust me
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>>1731That's what I'm afraid of. There are already two sizes, and I'm more tempted by the bigger one. And then the recommendations for bigger and bigger ones start coming up.
Amazon is a great store, but they scare me sometimes.
>>1739What if someone takes a picture of me when I walk inside?
I will forever be known as a pervert.
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>>1740Find out if they have a ladies day. They'll be too busy taking pictures of them to notice you.
>>1750what you just did is against the law i dont have to tell you anything…
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Penis sucking with /2d/~
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Could somebody please take care of this bulge in my pants? It's getting in the way…
*whips out dyke*
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Which one of you was this?
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>>1786>>1787>>1788Sorry, I'm only into 2D boys. (; ̄Д ̄)
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>>1790Woah! …do you really mean it?
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>>1789I wish there was more doujinshi with kirino, shindou, aphrodi and kazemaru
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so cute о(ж>▽<)y ☆
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>>1797You sound like a hopeless fujoshi. Please never stop!
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Speaking of fujoshi, apparently tumblr became more strict about enforcing its rules, and some nsfw shota blogs got shut down. Shotacon fujoshi are now upset and don't know where to go.
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>>1808That sounds really professional. I'll be counting on you to keep us on the cutting edge of shota information.
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I want to break /2d/s vita~
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I really love /2d/, and I can't believe people actually talked about deleting it when ota was remade.
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My progasm just came in the mail. I'll report back with my findings. Wish me luck!
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>>1866What the hell you slut how is there a possibility of you playing with more than one penis?!
>>1873frigg OFF my thread u RETARD
btw we all can track ur posts by ur writing style
so f*gg OFF
ur pathetic
>>1883lewd. why would you taint your body with normals. do you love cock that much?
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>>1883That's what you get for buying the biggest model if you're not experienced!
>>1889But I am! I didn't want to admit it, but I have a…couple other things.
See, this is making me look lewder by the minute. I wanted to look pure for /2d/.
>>1914Only the progasm and a couple buttplugs. and booty beads. And a vibrating prostate massager and wand. And a couple cheap onaholes, they weren't very good. And a training set of anal balls. And a bullet vibrator.
Typing that out made me realize I have too much.
>>1915Isn't an aneros backwards progression?
What buttplay do you like?
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>>1930Taste > smell > touch
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>>1933You guys have got it all wrong. The warmth is the best thing.
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>>1936I don't think most are completely serious, those that are are probably full homo.
>>1974I personally have the best luck by starting in a seated leg stretch, like on the ground with both legs out straight in front of you and reaching for your toes. From there, I bring my arms down to lay my forearms under my legs with my palms up. My hand is usually around the back of my knee. Once in position I'll slowly pull myself down with each exhale by contracting my torso and pulling with my arms. Following your breathing pattern helps a lot. Hold your position and relax as much as possible, breathe in, exhale and pull closer. I end up grabbing under my butt instead of my knees. Squeezing your butt and turning your legs out (pointing feet to side) to open your hips also helps to close the distance a bit.
I originally figured this out while in a chair, it works similarly both in a chair and leaning your butt up against a counter while standing. Sometimes one position feels more comfortable than another. A reverse Pilates c curve is also a good position to try, you can drop your feet on the ground behind your head and walk them back or hold your arms out above your head to brace and hold your feet up as far back as possible which will naturally weigh your hips down towards your face. A regular Pilates c curve can also be a good warmup, along with Pilates roll backs.
The easiest time I have ever had was after deadlifting, I think it's because it warmed up my back and got the muscles loose but I didn't even have to stretch and was able to just kind of lean over. I actually can do
>>1659, but didn't see the question. Also,
>>1973 is right, there are definitely good and bad days. It's a really bad idea to push yourself so take it slow.
>>1975Thanks for taking the time to type all this out, it is helpful.
I was doing similar things, but since I don't know much I wanted to make sure I wasn't wasting my time targeting the completely wrong area or something.
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What does /2d/ think of this picture?
>>1997i think its nice and epic
i like it
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>>1998Hm. I see…
What about this one?
>>1994/jp/ janny has taken over /ota/ and is enforcing cultural marxism.
(joking, pls don't don't kill me)
>>1997I would liked to to put her balls in my mouth. I don't get sexually activated unless I'm being dominated in some way.
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>>2011…Interesting. Duly noted, yes…
What about this image? What do you think about it?
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>>2019How about using your potential to make real the dreams of people with the same dream as yours?
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I need more gay ota boys in my life!
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Which /ota/ is top gay?
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>>2054What qualities does one need to have to be considered top gay?
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>>2055I'll demonstrate what it takes to be top gay. Bend over.
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>>2058Wow you fucking fag, back off?
An update on my Progasm usage. I was using the wrong muscles entirely. It's like nothing I've ever experienced before. I haven't hit ahegao yet, but, pardon the phrase, my hips were moving on their own.
>>1730 was right, thank you so much, /2d/.
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>>2117You haven't had an orgasm yet? How hard is it to learn how to use the right muscles?
>>2117no problem
im here for you
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>>2122Could you recommend some toys, then?
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I want to put you guys in chastity and make you squirm!
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I want to be cute like Nao-kun
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Why did everyone stop posting? Did you guys run out of pictures?
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Shota for shota thread.
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>>2226Sorry, I haven't been feeling very gay lately.
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This isn't a shota thread you fags, this is a cross-dressing thread…
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>>2279Because I don't have girl clothes.
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>>2281Me too, I wish they could leave this thread alone.
>>2290yeah it's small and not cute
i feel the same way about tight shota balls i like then and i don't have them
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>>2290Thankfully this doesn't happen to me because I am aroused with the sight of my own butt.
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magical boys are the best
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ill do it
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He was talking to me.
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which image or doujinshi was it that you used on that fateful?
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>>2329I always had a thing for traps but I remember my first real exposure to something of the sort being all the bridget doujins that were dumped in the /bridget/ board one of the more known chans had (not sure if 7 or 420). I distinctively remember the name Saigado being ingrained in my memory at that time. One of the many doujins I found that I remember the most clearly involved bridget working in a chinese restaurant with one of the other fighter girls, the girl figuring out bridget's a dude then having sex with him. Then bridget climaxes and lies down on his belly and the girl becomes so turned on with the sight of bridget's butt she grows a dick and makes rough love to him. It's a shame Saigado seemingly doesn't make any more of this stuff.
After some time, I stopped reading that material because there wasn't much I could read since they were all raws. Then I stumbled upon abgrund's master-piece "holic holic 1". I have wasted gallons of lewdjuice and created countless fantasies thanks to that doujin alone. It became the standard by which I compare most other work based on this fetish.
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>>2334I forgot to say: it was also thanks to this doujin that I consider Mariya one of the best crossdressing boys in anime and it pains me there's so little artwork of him. Even more so when shaft didn't really seem to care about giving the show a proper second season, which I am yet to watch but heard it's not as good as the first… Guess I should be the judge of that before sticking with that opinion.
Maria mania by the same author is also amazing.
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>>2334>>2335your posts made me remember how abgrund doesn't do anymore yaoi. at least she went out in a bang and did one of the rarest and most delectable genres, yaoi & netorare.
thoroughly enjoyed all abgrunds work that are posted online multiple times. your post inspired me to revist the maria ones and i enjoyed it quite a bit once again *wink*. abgrund really has an artistic touch for yaoi rape.
a princess princess work was the first one that i really got hung up on. i can always go back and enjoy it even so many years later too.
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Ahhyy wwuuuu~
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>>2412What kind of thoughts do you have about them?