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No. 2642
Guess what?!
>>3 part three!
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I've been procrastinating about making one of these…
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>>2648Go away with your gay butt talk. This is a trap thread.
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>>2651The other two threads had very interesting in-depth conversations about tons of subjects, though. I wonder if everyone's still around…
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I want to smell ota's butt
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I have hired a team of scientists to come up with a cure for /ota/s attraction to penii.
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>>2660I'm a scientist and I know the cause. It's called evolution!
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>>2657What do you like about penises?
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>>2671the unique, mind-numbing smell, the warmth, the amazing taste, the shape…..
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You guys sound pretty vague about your love for penis…
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Please stick it in me
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>>2689Nobody on ota is a cute trap, you disgusting homo.
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>>2697It's probably some sort of 3D net idol… I wouldn't want anything to do with it!! Probably…
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>>2705drugging people and raping them is bad.
>>2709Can't access it, kid?
*posts mean looking anime girl*
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>>2707that's stockholm syndrome!!!
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>>2711if it feels good then it feels good. a guy body can't hide his pleasure like a grill
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>>2712It's still wrong because you're doing without knowing wether he likes it or not…
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cock cock cock cock
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i couldn't see this thread, for some reason?
or i am blind. please forgive me.
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>>2857it was on accident hehe….
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youre order is here
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>>2870I didn't order a purple dildo!!
I ordered a green one…
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I love everything about penises! They're vastly superior to girl-parts. I love how lewd substances leak out of them. I love their shape and how they swing about. I love their scent. I love how they're basically clitorises on a stick, and there's a lack of control you have over them. All the pleasure is focused on one part. Imagine if some lewd boy came up behind you and grabbed your penis head, making you cum without even being in control, scattering semen everywhere. That's the beauty of a penis, you can describe them as if they're not part of your body. In short, I just love penises and all the un that can be had with them!
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Feelaroonie when all the crossdressing lovers ran away…
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>>2950What would you do to a tied up /2d/u?
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>>2952I'd probably play with all of his body…!
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>>2952Suck its penis to get it wet, and then rub and slide our penis tips together.
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Has anyone here had an handfree anal orgasm? I can't seem to finsh from just having stuff up my butt
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I love you, ota boys.
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When I came to terms with the fact I liked dick, I promised myself I would be a classy faggot who wouldn't become a slut. But now all I want to do is dress up as a girl and play with penises all day.
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>>3116Let's play with our penises… together!
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>/ota/ meetup
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>>3083It took some time until I managed to do it for the first time, but it's no problem now. The most important thing is your position in my opinion. Try lying on your back, relax your lower body (rest your legs on a pillow or something) and play with your butt. Then there's the obvious stuff, like: focus on your prostate, use an enema and take a warm bath before you start, use lube or lots of saliva, be in the mood etc. Also, drinking your precum may help you to get hornier too. I hope that helps!
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>>3117I'd like that…. I want to find nice quite place to sit and play with penises for hours.
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>>3155There's nothing gay about liking a girl dick, or masturbating with one of their holes.
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Please lick it~
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Woah has this thread been abandoned?
Has anyone here tried out an aneros? I'm thinking of buying a helix soon.
I've been playing with my nipples alot recently, they've gotten sensitive enough to my to pre alot from just touching them but I can't quite reach orgasm.
>>3847Well yeah, when you're not even 20 years old then that shit apparently works great with no surgery necessary.
There was some guy raving about it in the crossdressing thread >>>/om/3983
I guess you could think of them as just pics for confirmation.
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>/2d/ isn't even gay anymore
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>>4357Well, I'm here now! Where are all the cute boy dicks?
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Literally wearing panties right now.
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>>4374Okay, here's one cute boydick.
>>4375Boys don't have breasts!
>>4374You will regret it.
>>4376What is it then? A girl dick?
Just post more dicks already!
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Boy butt!
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>>4384How am I rude when you're the one not posting cute boy dicks in the boy thread?
I'll post dicks until you leave!
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>>4386If dicks won't make you leave then what will? Just let me enjoy dicks in peace!
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>>4388Why not? What's wrong with enjoying dicks?
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>>4392Wait, could it be that you actually want me to post more dicks?
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>>4395Oh really? I guess I'll just stop then, congrats you won.
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ey, over here
chek dis out
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>>4398Oh yea? How about this!
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Literally wearing stockings, high heels, collar, thong, miniskirt, bra, fishnet top, makeup and a wig right now.
I look like a total slut! Gonna fap to myself in the mirror now.
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>>4398wait what the fuck
how did i not notice this was uploaded literally 10 posts ago
>>4401"Look"? You
are a total slut!
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Going to ride my favorite dildo
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>>4412My favorite dildo is 8 inches long
I have a bigger one but I like this one best because it is soft and looks like a real dick
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>>4414It doesn't hurt if you lube up your boypussy and stretch it out with your fingers first
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I'm going to post something here and I hope it's enough to make up to somebody. I'm not saying who. Sorry.
>>4421You don't need to apologize so much. When you apologize too much it starts to lose meaning, you know?
Cute picture by the way, I like it.
>>4421thank you for the cute boy picture
I will cherish it always
>>4432I don't know what to say… Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?
>>4425I'm glad you enjoy it but don't you think that maybe you're being a little too serious about it?
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cute boys are great
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wriggly boy
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wish i had seen this yesterday
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>>4435I think I can post more if you want. I don't want you to feel lonely…
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>>4444you just wasted a perfect opportunity for a cute boy get
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>>4445I didn't even notice…
sorry for ruining the GET
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>>4444It's not that I don't appreciate people being thankful but I think you're being way too happy about this…
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>>4450Stop being so coy already, what's wrong with being grateful?
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>>4452I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you shouldn't act however you wwant.
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>>4450sorry… there just used to be lots of otas posting in the cute boy thread but they all disappeared so I'm really happy about anyone who still posts cute boys here
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>>4455You don't have to apologize, I was the one who was out of line.
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>>4464please dont worry about it
I'm just glad more people are posting cute boys here now
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>>4468I think the majority of boys arent cute because they dont try to be cute
even if youre into that kind of stuff it still takes a lot of effort
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>>4468I try to never think about that honestly. Reality can never really match 2D. I know there's some very rare cute 3D "traps" but when I see the pictures (and this is rare because I never really look for 3D stuff), I always think how much photoshop was probably used and how to pose to look like they do (even though I know I look disgusting) and maybe check out whatever clothes they're wearing because they're usually cute.
Pics like this one are just a fantasy, but I don't mind.
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>>4476please don't think of yourself as disgusting… you might not look as cute as a 2D boy or someone who actively tries to become a girl but that's no reason to hate the way you look!
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>>4487Don't tell me what to do, creepy homo freak!
>>4486It's not like I hate how I look, I just accept it.
>>4487I think a person should care about preserving the environment and contribute to the community they belong to. And to do that you have to care to a degree for the posters in that community… I don't think you should be so negative about stuff and then trace parallels that don't make much sense but that's just what I think. It's not like you have to be in love with people to care about them you know…
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>>4487although I'm not a cute 2D boy I'm still perfectly satisfied with the way I look and don't consider myself to be ugly at all
I'm also not forcing myself to like anything and I have no idea why anyone would do that either
people shouldn't use /ota/ as a dating site but that doesn't mean you can't care about or make friends with other posters!
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check out this cummer I found on 2D/Random!!
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cute catboy
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bunny birl!
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I think more boys should wear cat keyhole bras
>>4574Maybe cat keyhole panties would be nice too…
Or maybe they could style them as elephant keyhole panties? That would be maybe cuter I think…
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