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wonder if dads ashamed of me
probably wonders why he even bothered, what the point even was
when i tard laugh in my room all i can think of is that scene from the sopranos No.581008
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>>580865>>580868>>580871Her name is Yummy Knicker
Did you watch the video?
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>>581017Greetings and welcome to /jp/! You seem to be a 4channer who is new to this board. Things operate a little bit differently here. The biggest error you seem to have committed is confusing "sage" with an attack. What "sage" does is posts to the thread without bumping it. Here on /jp/ it is used mostly in a polite manner when you want to respond to a post but do not feel that your post is important enough to bump the thread, as how "sage" was originally intended to be used.
Enjoy your stay!
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>>581023She walked into the thread and smelled Yummy Knicker