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Wow, he is literally me…
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>He refuses to work and refuses to go to college
I live in America, if my family was rich enough to pay for college and a car so I could get there, I would've gone to college.
There's really no choice for me now except a life of wageslave or NEET and I choose the latter.
Also I speak Japanese fluently and can program and use Linux and run websites and lift weights.
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>>552456My mom doesn't want me to leave, ever.
Didn't you read the last part of OP's post?
>>552452Why not immigrate to Japan and get some simple computer job and run jbw game and live happily ever after then
>>552456A single mother is much less likely to kick you out. You probably were lucky enough to have both parents.
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all i need to do is die before i turn 30