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No. 551831
Operation Get A Girl Friend is simple: help otaboys meet girls anywhere you can think of, and over an extended period of time.
Goal: hopeless romantics destroyed our community and made henri leave, they deserve the same. We can only hope that over time more and more girlfriends dilute their community until it ends like ota did.
Include these links:
Board - Board - - our high income careers, and just be yourself. Rehab communities will work best as these girls will be prone to bad decisions such as dating us.
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I miss being a kid when you could sometimes get along fine with girls but then they reached puberty and begin judging all men solely on their smv and if you don't meet or exceed the arbitrary level of attractiveness they've set then they don't even consider you worthy of breathing the same air as them.
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>>551838I bench 365lbs raw at 214lbs and have some cool cars
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le peepee frog feelsweirdman Please forgive my rudeness
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FACT: If you view pornographs with penises in them you are a cuckold
>>551864inceI teen election zoomers obsessed cuckolding literally
great post from our resident trutaku
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>>551863I would choose to live and die 100 cel lifetimes before I tarnish my honor
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Himateens will never be welcome here
uhh are people seriously incredulous over others not browsing 4chan anymore and think it's some kind of great feat
/wsg/ is literally the only board I still semi regularly visit and it's only to see what the currently airing anime looks like, I haven't browsed any of the actual discussion boards in years
>>552907same, too bad the jp sphere stopped being the my friends are here place since all the posters/posting archetypes I liked are largely gone and all that remains are things I hate
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>>552912>all that remains are things I hateYou didn't have to be so blunt…
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>>552918If you can't beat 'em join 'em
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I hate nu-4chan and its users with passion, but I can't stop going there because I'm addicted to information and because it's my only source of social interaction.
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havent used 4chan since '12
remember iichan, now that was a good imageboard
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>>552938Yeah it's pretty poggies.
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Kind of weird how difficult getting a mate is for a human male if they lack spectacular genes.
Cats just screw whatever and they can't even breed year round like humans do.