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>>543831Only if you're under 5'8" with narrow shoulders and a weak lower third
>>543831hell no
lesbian sex is forbidden the bible says so
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>>543830It's funny cause they still need VR goggles.
>>543838tell me about renge
why does she spout the noodles
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So what's going to happen to us?
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>>543898This is actually correct, it doesn't mention lesbian sex.
There is a single passage in Romans about women having "unnatural relations", but Romans was a letter to a church in Rome written by Paul, not a prophet, Jesus, or Moses. The book of Romans also says all leaders of the world are appointed by God (so Obama, Hitler, and Stalin were all appointed by God) which is obviously bullshit.
I am a Christian but have came to the conclusion that the letters written by Paul to various early churches, which were later canonized, are not the words of a prophet or divine authority, nor do they claim to be like the gospels or books written by Moses, so I don't really feel bad anymore in saying they were simply letters to early churches.
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>>543898Yeah, Genesis 2:24 says that a husband and wife shall become one flesh, which two women can't do, and therefore they are subjected to premarital sex, which is a sin.
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>>543901It's clear they're from divine authority. Go look at the chronologies in Genesis. The biblical timeline coincides better with recorded history than secular history (hurr durr modern humans existed for 200,000 years but did nothing for 196,000 years then all the sudden major civilizations and documents)
>>543902That wasn't solely about men being gay
Btw you can still see the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah today with balls of sulfur everywhere unexplained by science. No.543906
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>>543905All assumptions based on radiometric dating.
Not documented history.
Also fuck off phone poster.
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>>543962i dont have a vr or a will to game so its really just a fantasy of mine
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It's time to take the fight to the norms
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Hima is behind this
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*grabs the railing and starts trying to squeeze out a himaturd*
>>543992 pushed so hard they squeezed an entire
>>543986 thread!
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>>544096TW (trigger warning): pussy, don't open if you're a fag
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>>544097Why is the vagina so close to the anus? Foids are fucking disgusting.
>>544134i know right. its basically joined up with it
a foid's holes…
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cameras are fun
>>543904So I was listening to a podcast today about this said the scientists think that a similar event is what happened to Sodom, made me remember you post.
>>544234Yeah he really did. Well it's easily the most important thing he'd ever discover in his life.
If he didn't discover it it might have gone unnoticed for who know many more decades after. May not have any eyewitness accounts or proper photographs. He was already pretty late to the scene by 20 years.
I never heard of this until the day before. Amazing the events in the world that goes unmentioned…