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No. 6789

Post your 92 comiket.

I was interviewed by Japanese television on my way out, I got to show and explain the appeal of denpa albums and dakimakura for foreigners.


Toromi is still around? That's cool.


I attended the jp meet up on day 1 for about 20 minutes.
There were two guys talking to each other about eroge to each other , and a Finnish guy showing people pictures of his gf.
Overall it was like most social situations I find myself in. I stood still, stared, and listened for a bit, but quickly grew bored and left.
Supposedly they went drinking afterwards, which I'm glad I didn't attend as I don't see the point of purposely impairing one's cognitive and motor abilities and would rather see more of Japan than waste time drinking empty calories.


was there a new Sally album? I kind of stopped following comiket stuff when i stopped following touhou stuff and they're one of the few bands i still try to kind of follow


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I didn't ask for tokiko to be put in my bag…


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Tokiko goes into your bag without consent because piggies.

And go get me one or else Tokiko will drag you to her dungeon.


Why would he get you one now?


I'm sure an otaku with really bad taste tossed one somewhere.




Post the video.


There are never any cute girls or ikemen at the meetups so I never go (went to c92 with my wife instead)

I must have seen about 6 j-girls in the men's section of Toranoana today… why bother meeting with a bunch of white nerd tourists when you can just find a lewd local girl to hang out


I always end up buying more than I should at toranoana/melon books. Whenever I see a tourist there just to smirk and laugh, I add another doujinshi to my pile to distinguish myself from them. Really wish I were born Japanese.
Also any tips on wife would be appreciated.


I just got a attractive normie girl to become so dependent on me over the years that she felt she had to tag along with my hobbies to keep me around

I would just get an otaku girl if I did it all over again but I didn't have the luxury of that back then. Any girl who is too uptight to enjoy 2d with me can fuck off


The eroge guys sound cool but the Finnish guy is a fag for sure.

What would have made it not boring for you?


I don't know, I thought maybe since I share common interests that socialising would be enjoyable. It turns out it isn't.


Shitty threads full of 3D norms talking about their real life interactions and mindless consumerism as if anyone gives a fucking damn.




I kind of think Otaku culture is best enjoyed by oneself or at most discussed online.

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