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Here is a very relevant blog: collects spooky stories, urban legends, pictures, videos, etc. from the Japanese side of the Internet.
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>>61Somehow I managed to make things worse.
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>>65Ah anon you are so cute! You gave me some laughs~ You still managed to answer me and I appreciate the effort you put into it! No need to worry over it!
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Would you like the red paper or the blue paper?
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The Haunted Gravestone
One day Nayu was walking threw the Akibahara woods (the scaryest woods in Japan) one day. She saw a real skeleton and got scared. There was a goulish wing blowing through the air and it made her all cold. *Swoosh* said the wind. as it blew her flowing hair and skirt. Suddenly the skeleton was gone Nayu couldn’t see it. She was so sacred she couldn’t move.
It could be anywhere she thought. Just than something tapped on her shoulder. She got so increadibly afraid. But it was just Shin, her really cute boy friend.
“What are you even doing on an earth like this.” he began to say.
“I was just coming home from school and Nikki said this was a short cute.” so I went through the Akihabara woods.” Nayu said.
“You bizarre fool! Shin yelled out. Theres so much PREDICTABLE stuff in these forest!”
“Oh my god! Like what!” Nayu said
“Like that spooky skeleton you just saw before I came. Its gone isn’t it. Its alive, Nayu, and It is going for us.”
Just then a tree fell down. Nayu saw the the tree it had a really mean face in the trunk and made her scared.
“Don’t worry girl its just a tree that fell over from the wind” Shin said. Nayu thought about it for a long time. All this time she was so scared of everything. Shin was always there for her its so beautiful. She knew she had to get past the scary tree but it was really frightening for her. Just then the wind blew and it was like a new beginning for Nayu. Her life had changed
The tree was so scary but it didn’t scare her as much anymore. But then the tree groweled. Nayu screamed in scardness. She ran away really quickly, but Shin tripped on a root. He fell inside the trees haunted mouth and it ate him up.
12 years went by and Nayu never forget that day in the woods.
>>76I dont know why the story was found in an old journal dated 1881 found in a cellar of an abandoned estate. The owners of the house were never found.
Some believe The Haunted Gravestone was based on actual events.