No. 643810
Finally found the sekrit sodium nitrite source, was gonna buy some but it cost $100 for 100g, quite frankly a ripoff. You don't even need 100g anyway, but that's the minimum.
Then while I was debating if I should bother or try to find the sekrit SEKRIT source, the bout of extra intense suicidal urges left. I bought some tabs of acid and mushrooms instead. I guess I should give it a try before I go to a last resort anyway.
I still don't really have a plan anyway. Oh yeah, funny enough shortly after I had talked about that idea to do it in such a way that you can donate your organs, my aunt (who is an eye doctor) told me a few weeks ago about how since she was on call and the organ retrieval team was too far away, it recently fell to her to harvest the eyes of this young woman who hanged herself and ended up in the hospital and wanted her eyes donated. Was pretty PREDICTABLE, the story about that woman.
Anyway, I think if I were to do something like that now, my aunt would probably think it was her fault.
She did kinda confirm that it actually was a good plan though, as far as pulling it off goes…
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Sodium nitrite is literally in hotdogs and other processed meats bro
Just become a licensed wiener maker and buy it.