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No. I don't have any balding in my lineage whatsoever.
I'd look good bald regardless.
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think norwooding but minor level 1 for now my dad is bald but keeps shaving it bald guess for cope while my moms father still has his hair but at level 2-3 i think
>>643681pretty sure all men bald due to DHT, the speed of which they do at just differs
my dad has a full head of hair at 60+ but his hairline still receded compared to when he was young
>>643826get a dermaroller
sigh im flippin young wonder what i can do to prevent this or reverse my pops always warned me about taking long hot showers and friction on scalp with hats
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>>643681I think my test levels are still high, but they aren't what they used to be, in my early 20s I was naturally roiding.
You know who pulls off a good bald look? AverageTrey, looks like an NPC merchant in a good way. No.643838
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my present calisthenics routine is as follows
6 sets of 20 push ups
planking for 83 seconds 4 sets
35 reps crunches 4 sets
bulgarian split squats 17 reps per leg 3 sets
looking into more core and back exercises research isn't easy but I have to keep trying things out