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Be the American that Japan thinks you are
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So, this game sucks but was almost fine.
It actually has the worst encounter rates I've ever seen, and I've played quite a few JRPGs at this point.
Sometimes literally you take 1 step, move 1 tile, and get another encounter. I think each tile you move is a flat % chance for an encounter.
The other issue is difficulty spikes. When I first tried playing this many years ago I quit after getting Loid and going to the Duncan factory, because that absolutely requires grinding. I saw a video of someone calling it the worst dungeon in any RPG ever, and while that's probably some bullshit teleporter maze (fuck teleporter mazes), I can see why,
Playing the game on nearly permanent fast-forward is a remedy.
>>643091Go play Mother 1 at normal speed bro. Enjoy a literally >5000% longer game due to watching the calculator tell you Ninten or Hippie took N points of damage
I play all emulated games with a fast-forward hotkey on controller, I literally take into account my remaining lifespan when playing games. You could say playing games at all is a waste of time, but I appreciate them as sort of an interaction with the developers and art/technical showcase.
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Yeah mother 1 aged very poorly. Pretty much everyone knows this. Even more surprised the other one of you even tried to defend it.
Also do people really not speed up old games? I've been doing it since elementary school. It feels awful to wait through a lot the poor animations, movement, and loading zones in old games. Especially if turn based.
Let alone get defensive about it.
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what the heck I am an incomparable homo
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crying for daiundoukai
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trutaku lore i made to delete oldest camcorder videos when he was young and stud doing racial remarks with nihonjin no tomodachis shouldve scrap
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>>643130Thank you for your devotion
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why didn't they call it the kazoku no pasokon
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Anime girls are real now
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>>643241Holy Magic Century Eltale! Oh shit this looks really go-
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dont really remember the last NES game I played, I think lolo
that's a fun game from an era when puzzle games were sorely lacking
I might go check what's on the switch virtual console
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>>643241sometimes I wonder if square going all in on sony lead to some cascading effect where every company thought their jrpgs also wouldn't do well on n64
was paper mario considered a flop? it definitely didn't perform as well or play as well as the original mario rpg or ttyd.
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8 hour video essay on how Kirby 64 "changed my life"
What level of mental illness is this, I need to get on that shit.
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>>643522Yeah I feel kind of bad for bullying him too but come on.
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>>643521but the game is only 4 hours long…