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(vtuber stream (Super Mario World))
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Did you know if you hold A and press start on the original Super Mario Bros, it takes you to the start of the last world you died in?
I always wondered how people beat this game legit, but you only have to beat each world.
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I appreciate Famicom games a lot more than I used to
The original Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Megaten, Dragon Quest, Final Fnatasy, Castlevania, Fire Emblem, Kirby, etc… all actually hold up.
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I fucking did it, I beat Super Mario Bros for the first time ever
I had to learn world 8 completely.
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>>642860Gratz, get ready to get fucking floored by 2 and 3. Theyre way harder.
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I have a better idea. Why don't I watch somebody play it for me?
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>>642870I basically have beaten the game of life. I'm just doing end-game activities now.
>>642861Did you know Super Mario Bros 2 in the west was actually Doki Doki-