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No. 642500

i tried to play persona 5 today and it took forever to find a download and when i finally found one and tried to play it it was in japanese and i don't understand it :(


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I think it has Denuvo and was never cracked

Did you download the Switch version and play it in an emulator, or even the PS3 version in RPCS3?

Yes, Persona 5 is a PS3 game… A lot of people don't know that anymore.


Ps3 version


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P5R often goes on sale for like $20.

I'm worried that Persona 6 is going to be woke because the west is like uhhh actually the wiki says this fictional character's age is 17 so you're a pedophile.


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Are they wrong?


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Quite literally yes, that's not what pedophilia is and the infantilization of teenagers in the west is weird and unnatural.


dont think it counts as pedophilia if you self insert as the protag


Infantilization? So you think a 17 year old girl is mature enough for sex? And she should just grow up?


I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.


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Richard Stallman autist quote, normies still use this against him


persona 5 royal is 60$ on steam wtf


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It goes on sale for 60% off about once a month.


It harms them when they grow some more brain cells in a couple years and realize the adult was doing something wrong and using them as a naive and easy disposable cumrag


Fuck u


Except the adult was doing nothing wrong. Sex with children is human nature and the only reason it ends in only sex and not a relationship is because of society demonizing it. Also "wah I was used for sex I was made to feel good" lol. "Rape" is a joke. Not saying violent painful rape doesn't exist but most of it isn't that.


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Play a real Megami Tensei game


And let's be honest. Even in the case of violent rapes most adult women deserve it. Just look at how many of them are feminists or at how many of them wish torture, violent death, and eternal torment on pedophiles because "waah they prefer a different physical appearance than what I've been brainwashed into believing is acceptable"

Of course unlike them I'm not evil so I wish for their souls to go to heaven just as I do for all souls without exception. Nobody deserves hell.


do you want to get raped


If I was cute I would be happy to be. It would be gross as a man though.


I deserve rape. Raping? Being raped? Those details don't even matter.

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