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It's just a sports game.
I just got done viewing an entire gore thread on Kohlchan out of some duty to observe the evils of the world. The worst was a woman with no face, no eyes, nose, or mouth left, but still alive and screaming, with nothing that was going to quickly kill her and the rest of her body totally intact. The worst for me is seeing people alive with mortal wounds that make me go "oh no, please die".
The other is beaners' obsession with cutting off limbs and slow decapitations instead of just shooting them. I think about how that was someone's mother/daughter/wife and how they must feel seeing that.
I really don't like watching any of it. I forced myself to because I feel like I have to observe and witness. God has to do that.
Anyway condemning Lady Gaga, handegg, gambling, alcohol is missing the mark. Desecrating the US flag if anything is righteous, Westboro Baptist Church "Thank God for dead soldiers" is more right than you, fuck this government and ruling class.
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>>642037Are they gonna play Money Trees?
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I don't know if it was just the stream we were watching (Tubi), but the audio engineers responsible for the halftime show need to be fired.
They completely messed up the volume mixing, the music practically couldn't be heard, just Kendrick's mumble rapping.
My mom hated it and thought it was stupid, which I think at least in part was because of the awful volume mixing.
She told me a story about how when she was a kid in the 60s, her dad made them shutoff the New Years Eve ball drop because a "niggér" was on it. He was 100% Italian and from Philadelphia, which may have explained the racism. It was a different time though, like she said they had a black friend with the same name as him, and he would call him "niggér Vince" in a somewhat friendly manner.
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your grandfather's name was vince? was he in the mob?