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Is this the blog thread? I got COVID for the first time ever (I may have had it in December 2019 before it was even officially confirmed in the US)
Symptoms are really mild so far, just a slightly sore threat, and a mild headache that may or may not be from it.
I'm taking vitamin C packets and reishi mushroom rn.
I don't mind being sick but I didn't want the Chinese bioweapon inside me causing cancer or permanent damage of some sort.
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>>641821I'm literally infected with a Chinese bioweapon and you're gonna spam me.
Anyway I've been playing FFIV, damn it's really good in comparison to the shit that is the first 3 famicom games. The story is actually better than most modern games somehow, and this is one of the first "games with a real story" ever.
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get well soon
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>>641831I don't know what country you're from, but in the US home tests exist and are/were handed out everywhere.
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uhh did you not get any from work?
Please stick it in mee
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It got moderately worse today but nothing too bad, I finally felt my immune system kick in and start killing the virus, I could literally feel when it kicked in and my throat stopped hurting. Gives me this chilly weak tired delirious dreamy feeling. Now I'm all cozy.
I read that people have been getting coronavirus infections since forever, it's just that in the past we didn't know what they were, or called them "the cold". It's also an RNA virus and not known to be oncogenic.
I'm sure there are worse forms of the virus out there, and especially if you're like 80 or have a weak immune system it might fuck your shit up.
"SARS-CoV" was recognized in the early 2000s, 2020 was "SARS-CoV-2". My theory is that they're simply just forms of coronavirus that have always been here before the early 2000s, and all the way up to 2020, it's just that no one particularly gave a shit, no one tested for it, just told you you have "respiratory infection" or "the cold", but the strain in 2020 was particularly bad, and may or may not have been enhanced by the Wuhan lab.