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It's -30% off if you pre-order it.
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Finished FF3, let me give you some tips.
Magic damage is bad, it will literally never be good. There's three short sections that require you to only use magic, but no other enemies require it.
The end game/final dungeon isn't nearly as bad as II, but if you die you lose all progress, potentially hours, and it becomes likely you'll die at the end. It's not 1990 anymore no one has time for that shit, use save states. Buy shurikens (one-time use best weapon in game) for the last 5 bosses, you probably want at least like 30.
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It's out, I'm downlooding all 150GB.
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It runs aight I guess on my 6700XT, Nibelheim chugs a bit.
I understand most of the Japanese background speech that has no subtitles, like
"ano kanojo mou otona" (That girl is already an adult (referring to Tifa)).
Spam me up faggot.
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You just know
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I can't believe they made this banger of a tracker for some stupid side quest where you escort a dog. No.641456
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Another great track, plays when you meet Kyrie.
File: 1738657692444.jpg (701.08 KB, 1243x1000, 189aa1013e8d23dba312e651c8….jpg) soul overdose. Sounds like Gackt
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Game won't let me peek on Tifa and Aeris getting changed
At least they didn't censor their feet
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Game cost like 500 gorillion dollars to make. So many elaborately designed areas you might be at for a minute.
>>641631You can pirate this game, it has no DRM.
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Oh my where is the ethics department?
They gave you two options for swimsuits and the other is BURQA'D, so I guess you can't complain if you choose this one.
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>>641781I do like Aerith and Yuffie more, however Tifa's swimsuit is the best. Aerith has no tits and wears long spats covering her flat ass.
As soon as I get Yuffie I'm permanently swapping out Tifa for her. Doing a sort of crit/luck/poison/steal/debuff ninja build. Cloud is melee/tank with buffs. Aerith is magic.
The gameplay really grew on me, although I wish it was more weighty and focused on blocks/parries.
There's A LOT of mini games btw. I actually have enjoyed all of them.