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I tried going on the Xiao Hong Shu website but it's completely broken, really slow, half the stuff doesn't load it 403's me.
Anyway, housing in China typically costs about 5-10% of the median wage.
Housing in the US typically costs about 40% of the median wage, at minimum.
Food is also similarly much cheaper.
Capitalism is an utter failure for anyone who has to work for money, but it's great for people who make money without working by extracting it from people who do work. The entire system is setup around this concept and over time only gets worse by design.
The top 10% own 67% of all wealth in the country, the bottom 50% own 2.6% of the wealth.
It's basically a degenerate system that isn't even good for the economy and technological advancements, GDP doesn't mean anything if that money is just being horded by little j3w dragons in their caves or utterly wasted by how the government spends it.
We are basically fucking retarded compared to China's centrally planned communist system.
>>639885>China's centrally planned communist systemthat stopped being a thing like 4 decades ago
imagine thinking china today is not a market economy I am an incomparable homo
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Wow rednote is so copper every other post is like this
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>>639891Apparently 70% of posts were female at least before the huwaito piggu invasion.
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Average Chinese man
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Average cost of electricity in USA is 15.45 cents per kw/h, 2.5 times more expensive than China.
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I'm moving to China and getting a BWC chasing gf.
>>639892love consuming female social media posts
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