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I bought several of all different types before deciding they are universally worse than your hand.
I haven't used them in years and considered throwing them out, I already have thrown out some.
The only thing that would make them redeemable is consistent heating, yet this apparently is still not available on the market. The technology is stagnant, it's fucking the same TPE/silicon material and if you don't like that there's no point in buying more.
The pleasure for me comes from moving my skin up and down my shaft, even though I'm cut I can still do it. I've considered a very little known problem, is that some people got circumcised so bad they can't even move the skin up and down, it's just "tight", so they can't even really masturbate dry. This is never talked about even on the internet, perhaps these guys don't even realize it? Maybe they think it's normal. They essentially need to fuck a lubed up… something.
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>>639039>I know that a lot of cam girls will get mad and hang up on me if I don't cum fast enough.Simp.
>>639044yeah i would say cleaning it would be hard to hide, if you don't have a bathroom to yourself
>>639037onaholes are meant for asian men who are uncircumsized with smaller penises. They also use thick lube, but you can just use regular one and they're fine. The fleshlights are the ones that can only be used with a "fucking" motion. They are also TPR which is more like a form of rubber, and onaholes are TPE which is more soft and jiggly and meant for more sensitive uncircumcised penises. You can easily just rub your dick on the TPE rubber with lube and that will stimulate you, but with TPR fleshlights your only choice is to thrust your dick through it. You can't do any low stimulation things like with TPE onaholes.
>>639037yeah japanese are really known for being all cut which is why something like onaholes even exist in the first place right
i'm the same way though in the sense that onaholes just don't feel that great or rather take far longer for me to cum from them compared to my hand, sometimes i do have more intense orgasms when i put them under a pillow and thrust into them but i think that's more like a mental thing and i doesn't happen every time, meanwhile i read about people literally cumming from a couple of thrusts to the point the sensation is just overwhelming compared to just using their hand
anyway, if they didn't work and were better than using your hand for the vast majority of people they wouldn't sell
there's something wrong with our dicks and i dunno if it's desensitization due to hand masturbation techniques, or some genetic component or something else
for a long time i thought it must be because i'm circumcised but even most circumcised people seem to enjoy them far more than i do, the market simply wouldn't exist otherwise in places like america
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love using my foreskin
>>639048I'm uncircumcised so I am biased, but there was one I got that took months to break in. It had a bunch of plastic nubs and also was kind of tight so it would basically rake your dick head. The first time I did actually get pleasure from it, I was frozen in place after using it because the stimulation was so intense. Even though that only happened one time, the burning sensation and needing to stop was the most common.
But it took months of using a soft onahole, and only switching to the hard one every once in awhile. But now the soft one is fucked to death so I have been using only the hard one. And i am used to it by now, I only worry how it would effect me with a woman. I have sort of been with one before, and I know the excitement level is higher.
So that would make a difference, but I just wonder, if I got used to her pussy would that be a problem? One time I was using it hard trying to cum and a cam girl said, "wooooow" I just don't know if a real girl wants that. It's weird because hopeless romantics believe women want 6 foot Chad's with 8 inch dicks, which they do. But at the same time i realize that she's not going to want to be rammed like that (every single time).
I weigh a decent amount and have a small amount of muscle from lifting 50 pounds boxes at work. Even though I know chad is muscle bound and plays sports and has a lot of experience with girls, really it is up to her. Because I am very sexually fucked up.
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6'3'' shoes off
non fat built
i do not bond with others
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