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he already knows.
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why are they untitiled
its flippin weird tbh
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It's because of Google images and he really does already know that.
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I explained it all to him about 2 years ago, he even acknowledged it several times, now the only reason he keeps asking is to troll. And OP he got you
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>>638413 Here's your answer *pins you down and farts in your mouth*
>>638413You're delusional if you think he'll respond. A: because he never makes anything but drive-by posts. B: because I know the time he's talking about, and nothing was explained and nothing was acknowledged. At least on ota, honestly at this point I wouldn't be surprised if he's referring to something that happened in whatever discord he came from.
Anyway, you're not going to get a different answer from
>>638206. Obviously that's not the "true" answer, he's been posting like this for years on 4jp and hima (at least in the past) too, and I would assume other places. It's literally just an attention thing, like namefagging or avatarfagging; you won't get a better answer because there isn't one.
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>>638576>he never makes anything but drive-by postsWrong!
>nothing was explainedYou either didn't see the explanation, or you only saw the pisstake ones
>whatever discord he came from.I wouldn't be seen dead on discord, when people say they use discord I treat them like they're beneath me. I have been here since 2013 or 2014, I didn't come from discord.
>you're not going to get a different answer from >>638206I wouldn't have thought so, since that is a different poster.
>he's been posting like this for years on 4jp and hima I have never posted on either of those sites. The reason I find this all so ludicrous is because it's such a normal, generic, unassuming thing to focus on and try and unravel. Do you mean someone posted untitled images on another site, so it must be some mysterious poster's signature style?
>It's literally justNot only are you wrong but you're a nincompoop for saying something is “literally just” anything.
>you won't get a better answer because there isn't oneKeep talking biaatch :-)
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Can somebody ask her if she has a bf for me? I dont want to get my vpn banned again