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You will listen to Penny's battle theme chorus. did you think about those girls who wore hoodies and smelled like dog
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u ppl have hots for kanata or something
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>>636748Why did they sensor the invisible transparent shadow of a penis?
Whatever, I'm glad it's censored.
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where's mugenjohncel
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>>636840Fell asleep for 2-3 hours randomly multiple times a day again
My sleep schedule is fucked
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What I do is I wrap myself up in a blanket in front of my computer and sleep in the chair something I call perpetual neeting
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Mom bought a Macbook Air M2, $800 including tax.
Probably her first large purchase in years, and she did need a new laptop. She wanted my help picking one out, and after realizing 99% of laptops are bulky plastic shit with uncentered trackpads, decided to get a Mac.
Mac "clones" like Asus Zenbook 14 were the same price, but Windows is even worse (I can't believe how bad Windows bloat/ads/telemetry is now), and the hardware is worse.
The Apple Silicon chips are so impressive, it must be what Apple dumped all their money into. If Linux was better supported (than Asahi Linux) I think I'd just main a fucking Mac Mini, I'm not using macOS though.
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have they fixed file explorer or whatever it is called on mac os it was always my main gripe back in the day and part of why i preferred windows
you couldnt adjust it in many meaningful way to display various folders how you wanted and then when you would go to open up select file in your browser it wouldnt open it like in windows which just opens a normal file explorer window with all functions it would open something else which didnt display things how i liked
it fucked me off to no end
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After a quiet morning of drinking two rum and cokes, two glasses of wine, leftover thanksgiving turkey (finally getting to the white meat), bagel egg provolone sandwich, two cups of coffee, I'm ready to start suffering
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Sedative effect of… lettuce
Latuca (lettuce) species contain varying amounts of alkaloids, such as Lactucin and Lactucopicrin
Some species contain fairly high amounts, particularly in the white milky sap, called Lactucarium. It was widely used as a mild sedative and analgesic throughout the 19th and early 20th century, often as an alternative to opium, but fell out of use.
Here you can see the effect on rats comparable to benzodiazepines, far out of the range of the control group. No.637059
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>>637012 It's “lactuca” not “latuca”
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I really like the macbook air M2, and my mom's happy with it.
Amazing in terms of hardware, exactly what I want out of a laptop. Very thin and light.
First time using macOS, and it's way better than my expectations. Window management is great, file manager is good, pretty standard Unix underneath I can see accounts are literally just Unix accounts, homebrew package manager doesn't look bad but I didn't use it, installing apps the normal way through .dmg -> /Applications isn't bad.
Even in terms of privacy it's network silent when idle at desktop.
I would have no problems using it over Linux if I didn't care so much about open source, full privacy, full control, and minimalism.
Anonymous 12/04/24 (Wed) 16:12:25 No. 637072
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I can't believe I'm still awake, browsing through random threads like it's 2014 again. Anyone else here still listening to Vocaloid or is that just a relic of a bygone era? I swear, I’m getting nostalgic for when Miku was the queen of everything.
Anonymous 12/04/24 (Wed) 16:25:53 No. 637073
File: 1733332216764.jpg (423.11 KB, 750x1000, "vocaloid forever.jpg")
> > 637072
I still listen to Miku. Just the other day I played World is Mine on repeat for like 3 hours. But honestly, I can't find a lot of new Vocaloid music that hits the same as back then. It all feels… too commercialized now? Kinda lost the charm, but maybe that's just me.
Anonymous 12/04/24 (Wed) 16:32:10 No. 637074
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> > 637073
Yeah, I feel that. World is Mine was legendary. Nowadays, everything feels like it’s been polished to a corporate sheen. I miss the rawness, the feeling of it being underground before it exploded everywhere. Makes me wanna go back and listen to the old stuff I found on Nico Nico Douga.
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>>637059>>637012Just got this extra strength lactuca virosa extract. Oh my gosh it's fucking strong, I can't believe this is legally sold.
I wouldn't even say I feel high, mostly debilitated, the sedative effect is incredibly noticeable, but lacks euphoria. I guess it's latin name "poison lettuce" for a reason.