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I bought some kasha (buckwheat for you westerners) imported from Russia
They don't have sanctions on agriculture products apparently, I guess they US figures any food going out of the country has a better chance to starve them?
Anyway it's similar to oatmeal but it's much more tasty, with just butter/salt. It feels really healthy, like I feel good after eating it.
It was the quintessential medieval peasant food on the Eurasian steppe.
Now reply and tell me what you eat:
>>635621why the hell would you import something so mundane as freaking buckwheat
you know you can buy it in america too you're like the 5th largest producer of it
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>>635623I was recommended Makfa brand by the eurangutans and east-coast US friends who eat it.
You know by import I just mean bought on Amazon right? It's very cheap too.
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>>635630artist: Ganno
NOT AI slop
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intelligence level: inhuman