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No. 634176

The idea of watching streamers is so strange to me. Is it really so interesting to watch people play a game or talk about nothing? How can you even like someone that doesn't even know you so much that you follow their lives through updates on social media. You literally look forward to sitting down and watching this other person have a good time? It's almost cuckoldish.


It's a NPC thing


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you could extend the same idea to all vidual media because it's already so much of a stretch.
anyways you cucks need to stop shoving your fetish down everyone's throats
you're worse than furries and faggots at this point


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It's called a parasocial relationship.


Agreed, people who watch streamers are cucks.


and people who watch tv and people who read books or play vidya


>watching this other person have a good time
this is why I watch t, he never has a good time




i live vicariously through the joy of others




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My fetish is not your meme!

Cuckolds unite! Cuckold pride worldwide!

We are not a meme or some joke. Our sexuality is hecking valid!


cuck memes are hilarious! Haha


no one here has a girlfriend or wife to be cheated on with in the first place


wish that was true


Sometimes she will read your comments and reply. It's an easy +0.2 social skill gain, but has a 0.5% chance of popping, so expect some grind.


My sexuality is not your meme!

Virgins unite! Virgin pride worldwide!

We are not a meme or some joke. Our sexuality is hecking valid!


watch the indie tubers with 5 viewers on youtube they always respond to your comments


can get 4digit view ones to reply to your comments too if youre just funny


today on ota I saw a thread made by a brainlet esl




Remember when we looked towards the future and actually believed things would get even better?
>wow all this development in hardware, imagine all the cool games we're going to have
>wow the internet sure is great, imagine all the opportunities
>These dating apps are very convenient! now I'm definitely getting a girlfriend!




I have never in my life had any of those thoughts


that's because you're dead inside


no shit


mind boggling that billions of people lived on this planet like i'm living right now but they all eventually turned to dust


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Just looked up the atheist estimates of total human population to ever live

~100 billion


This is based on the belief that anatomically modern humans have existed for about ~200,000 years.

They just did almost absolutely nothing and left no records until third millennium BC (about ~4400 years ago).

The funny thing is they find artifacts along with dated records telling you it was 2xxx BC, but of course radiometric dating gives inflated incorrect ages so they just tell you "oh, well that artifact is actually 12,000 BC and just happens to be in the same location as these actual written documents telling you it was 2000 BC"

So how did they extrapolate to get this hypothetical population number? Whatever they did, it is certainly extremely pseudo-scientific.


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Spent a couple hours, yesterday and today, walking around and sitting in the nearby cemetery. It's kinda nice. Looking at all the names. I feel as though they're all mostly new though, like new (as in within the past decade) outnumbers old like 10 to 1. I wonder how that works out
Also most people live pretty full lives, they're all like 1929-2018 and numbers around there. Once in a while you see like, a teenager or a 9 year old. I saw one that didn't have a date, I assume a baby that died in birth.
The difference in headstones is interesting too. The old headstones from the 1900s are like a foot tall and new ones approach 3 feet, many are black and shiny as opposed to the grey stone of the old ones, or a kind of pinkish brownish stone color. Very easy to tell. There's all kinds of stuff there.

I'm the only one I ever see there though, might see one or two other people enter during my time but it's just me and the workers otherwise. It is middle of the day on a weekday I guess.
The dead can't judge me, but the staff can, so I guess I can't really go hang out there even if I want. Even today it was worrying that they probably noticed I was there loitering around yesterday as well.

Didn't meet any goth girls either. Or ghost girls.
>you have to go at night for that!
It closes at 4:30 PM daily though. Which means wagies don't even have the opportunity to visit their loved ones graves during the week, sad!


yeah im not reading that you dumb neet


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I read it thank you for sharing looking for a goth girl myself


should i become a twitch streamer who browses imageboards and comments


don't steal t's idea!


I doubt goth girls care much for rules like that, the place is probably crawling with them at night looking to battle

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