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Being a girl sucks because you have no sex drive and don't actually like sex, so the entire "I could get sex anytime I want" you want so much wouldn't matter because you wouldn't like sex.
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Heterosexual kiss
>>634072Wtf bro
That's how I feel about Cloudflare right now, I can't get past any CF "verification" checkbox since Firefox 131.0.1 (which I needed to update to because of zero-day RCE (some CSS animation bullshit, no js even required))
Hate these cunts, I can't even view images or post on 4chan. I just made some userscripts to redirect threads to the archives automatically.
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yes follow his advice go for a girlfriend that has an innate sex drive
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Kotone is an idol!
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hey zephyr in the sky I saved this pic of eli and I need your opinion on it