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Kim personally went and saved people when it flooded earlier this year
Meanwhile the US government does almost nothing for the flood victims, and sends more money to Israel.
In fact in Florida they're ticketing people under the new law that makes being homeless illegal
Even the poorest North Koreans don't worry about housing, childcare, food, healthcare, and pussy.
Meanwhile American wageslave can't even afford housing, let alone a wife and family.
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bye bye florida
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>>633439I'm not a Nork, they're natsoc as all get out they don't want no whites.
Also there's no internet. I'm not saying it's perfect, but the good parts about it just keep making the west look even worse in comparison, as it continues to decline for anyone who isn't already wealthy. If things were to continue on the same trend, we will quickly reach a point where a large enough portion of the population can no longer afford housing and food, and I just want to accelerate to that, it's inevitable but they want to keep milking it with fixes in the same framework, like "housing assistance", EBT, or the billions in tax money that go to bloated administrative oversight and wages for aid organizations, without actually changing the fundamental problems.
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Do you think people working service jobs ever think… what's the point?
It's basically like serving people coffee so you can go pay someone to serve you coffee, in some kind of pointless circular scheme.
Entire portions of society are basically just that, they have no actual manufacturing or production, they're just areas where people do mostly pointless services so you can pay other people to do mostly pointless services in a circle, and some parasites extract wealth from everybody as they do it.
What a fake human experience.
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he lives on the 4th floor of a building made of plywood
he's gonna die
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>>633553Yeah bro, and he fed his uncle to dogs, and if you don't get his approved haircut you go to prison camp, which is totally different from prison.
He also executed people for having k-pop, it was reported by some random defector in a South Korean tabloid so it's true.
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Speaking of. Had a dream last night where I cheated on orca and committed a double-suicide with Lamy…
What the fuck is wrong with me… I blame ota…
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you're contractually required to stream the big d4 expac release
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Also I got invited to go out for boba and dinner with friends tonight and there will even be a foid there so it can an extra special spite stream.
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8PM EDT: This is nothing short of astronomical. I am at a loss for words to meteorologically describe you the storms small eye and intensity. 897mb pressure with 180 MPH max sustained winds and gusts 200+ MPH. This is now the 5th strongest hurricane ever recorded by pressure on this side of the world. The eye is TINY at nearly 3.8 miles wide. This hurricane is nearing the mathematical limit of what Earth's atmosphere over this ocean water can produce.
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>>633576Florida just made homelessness illegal last week. I know it has hurricane season every year, but it's usually not this bad.
Perhaps it is God's wrath for making homelessness illegal, revealing their hypocrisy when "normal" people lose their homes and are suddenly subject to these same anti-homeless laws.
If I was a cop in Florida, I would be ticketing/arresting every single person who lost their house in the flood and was sleeping or even resting outside because of it.
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They're all evacuating to the hospital so it looks like I'll be hunkering down at my place, maybe I'll stream my roof coming off.
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I thought Trevor lived in Colorado
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you must also think gnfos was actually bought by a turkish casino
File: 1728397925664.jpg (153.96 KB, 533x1199, GWwTDoEW8AEBQOw.jpg)'s going to die before he can buy peko's allergy meds…
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>>633602Literally me and otamin.
Especially that part where chief oozora ran deso off the road.
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Why don't they just take a fleet of boats with 400ft fans and blow in the opposite direction to stop or weaken the hurricane?
Am I a genius and deserve a nobel peace prize?
Fucking government doesn't want to spend money on stuff like this, they'd rather pay FEMA employees to do nothing.
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>>633558Kim Jong Un meets with South Korea K-pop group "Red Velvet"
>dude he's executing people for k-poop!t. The person calling North Koreans brainwashed
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I'm stocked up and ready to go.
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It's here.
My dad just called me blubbering in snot and tears that I am going to die if I don't evacuate right now. He thinks that's a bad thing for some reason.
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cant believe kamala just killed t so brazenly
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Kind of worried about Tea dawg, I thought he lived in Colorado but you're telling me he's in the Tampa swamp
>>633672For the non-Americans here, a "wellness check" is when police break into your house to make sure you're okay, and sometimes shoot or kidnap you.
>>633674He's planning to kill himself and make it look like a hurricane casualty to his family anyway.
Let the cops take him out cleanly.
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hes faking his death hes already out of the country and sold all of his cia secrets to russia and is now plowing his 2/10 indog wife from his moscow mansion
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he has to wait at least 17 more hours to fake his death
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i miss the streams
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desantis said i75 is clear
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is he still out of power i bet he ran out of battery playing shartstone
File: 1728623303217.jpg (587.1 KB, 1656x2048, 1706204757915073.jpg) having to have no power when virtual whores are making idiots out of themselves…
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> WATCH: Gator lurking in flood waters in Florida, gator bites resident's car tire dawg if you're reading this watch out for the gators bro
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wish him luck in his marriage and future endeavours
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fun fact, milg is in Japan with T right now too. He gets an indog and the queen of jp and peko.
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at this point it's just weird how holos and the infinite review shill the same stuff
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I like my shilling a bit more in the face
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>>633997Theyre even letting botan say 'red bull gives you wings' in the commercials now. It's cute.
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Oh look, Trevor boots up core keeper and now porka and flare and peko just have to play it.
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wonder if oats ever watched a t stream in their life
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very cool
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tshit's babysitter got banned and then apologized like a little bitch absolutely pathetic
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>>634102what do these 3 hags have in common
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This is such bullshit. What hate speech?
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Musk won't let me stream my hate speech anymore, he forcibly refunded my premium.
I thought we were allowed to hate the kikes now………
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>gn and ota
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>>634506I don't see a contradiction here. There is no greater enemy for me than my own government, courts, and police (I'm American).
The US/west world order has long overstayed its welcome, it's a rotten dystopian police state, radical capitalism, unsustainable cost of living, unbearable regulation restricting everything you do, and persecution of victimless crimes
It doesn't mean I want to be ruled by China but I sure wish they would nuke D.C. so we could balkanize and start with a fresh slate.
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Why isn't krapp streaming shartstone…..
All of my babysitters are on vacations……..
I can't fucking live like this anymore……………….
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Can't wait for T to stream his trip to the Miami round 1.
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Look who made almost 800 bucks off of Milton because I qualified for the electrical outage thing since it was out for more than three days.
Now I can pay almost half of my Google Fi bill for going 20 gigabytes over my 2GB limit.
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can't fathom paying debts
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>>634622Yo I got a great idea
I just got a bunch of money
I'm gonna loan it out to people to buy cars and houses, and collect interest payments! I don't have to work, I do literally nothing, while these dumbasses actually work to pay me back with interest!
If they don't pay me back, I'll just call up the sheriff to do a state violence on them, free of charge, to take their cars and houses back, it's foolproof!
What's that? What if the cars and houses I get back aren't worth what I loaned? Uhhhhhhhhhh I'll just get the government to bail me out.
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I shouldve gone to evo and married the la lion…
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I'm going to disable the screeching whore commands for at least the next few streams, my right ear is literally red and inflamed from them screeching in it. I also know that's the cause because this has happened at least two times before ever since adding that kataner scream one.
The worst part is that it's not even a real job so I can't claim a work injury for this bullshit.
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can it classify as aggravated assault
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poor flare
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olivia in 10 years
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Can't believe T lost no n-word November on day 2…
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it wasn't a loss it was a speedrun
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>>635146That's an orca, this is a bitch.
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>>635485he literally babysat for like 18 hours yesterday and he has to review 5 new holowhores on saturday morning
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More of a more one nighter than an ugokuer