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No. 633049

>have a job
>want to kill myself
>have no job
>want to kill myself
very cool


i was depressed when i was a neet but honestly having job is ten times worse because now i'm both depressed and stressed and i feel like i have 0 free time during the work week


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>be NEET
>life is good
>when my mom dies I just sell the house + life insurance
>move to Mediterranean SoCal climate and live in a tent with solar power

Gonna downsize to a laptop, portable battery banks, folding solar panels, and only 12v or USB electronics.

Life is really that simple for me. I bet they'll start giving out free permanent houses for the homeless, and if I ever see an outreach worker I'll just be like "yeah I'm autistic" and they give me a free house.

The best part is I'm being completely serious.


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Bruh any stimulant makes me so fucking horny I wish I didn't start taking adderall back in college



what whiny bitch


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Imagine if you were the mayor of a big girls high school in Japan and they have the uniform with frills like this and you get them all pregnant. Wow that's great


as for me i would mismanaged the school and make it start to get shutdown so they have to make a school idol club to save the school then i would go to their lives and cheer for them


And the we get all those school idols club pregnant


no because the prettiest flowers are the ones left unplucked


flowers need to be pollinated


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its best to let the flowers pollinate themselves


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warning low pollen


why don't you rent the house and, instead of impotently complaining about them, become the landlord elite class? Since the buyer of your house will probably do that anyway.


>why don't you rent the house
I'm not a hypocrite. To me this is sort of like asking why I don't just kill innocent people for money, because someone else is gonna do it anyway.

Don't call the parasite owner class that only is allowed to "own things" and extract money from workers because of state-backed violence "the elite".


Don't you commies ever get tired of being wrong? Wouldn't it be nice to be factually correct and realistic for once?

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