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Wish we could turn back time! To the good ol' days! But now we're STRESSED OUT! STRESSED OUT!!
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Life is a constant change for the worse.
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Feminists hate this fact
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>>633270They hate that it demolishes their victim mentality and makes all their complaints look silly and stupid compared to male suicide, homeless, and prison stats.
They also hate when you bring up forced conscription, especially now with Ookraina and POCCNR.
>>633273No they really don't care. To them, men kill themselves only because they can't handle women having rights and power and society not being as patriarchal as before. And that hese men are oppressive and evil anyway, only killing themselves because they can't handle equality in society.
Many women are homeless because of domestic violence, while men are more homeless because they're drug addicts or just lazy. Women are also in more danger being homeless than men, so they don't have the luxury of choosing homelessness over a worse situation, like a man does. Men are in prison more because they commit more crimes, especially if the violent variety, of course. Maybe if they didn't want to go to prison they should stop being 89% of homicide perpetrators?
…is what they'd say.
Regarding forced conscription they all just say that they don't want forced conscription for men either. And that if there for whatever PREDICTABLE hypothetical reason, MUST be conscription, then they don't mind it being applied to all genders (knowing damn well they can say whatever lip service you want to hear because it will never come to pass and they will never need to worry about it anyway)
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>>633285>To them, men kill themselves only because they can't handle women having rights and power and society not being as patriarchal as before. And that these men are oppressive and evil anyway, only killing themselves because they can't handle equality in society. Literally no men kill themselves because of this. Women might be even dumber than I thought if they think this.
>Many women are homeless because of domestic violence, while men are more homeless because they're drug addicts or just lazy. Women are also in more danger being homeless than men, so they don't have the luxury of choosing homelessness over a worse situation, like a man does. Men don't have the luxury of just being a woman's boyfriend in exchange for housing, like women do in the reverse, this is the primary reason why ~80% of the homeless are men. I would agree that being a homeless female is harder, but the rest is nonsense, "domestic violence" is not a statistically significant reason for female homelessness nor is it worse than typical reasons men are homeless.
>Men are in prison more because they commit more crimesMen mainly commit more crimes because they can't gain money/status/housing/food by simply partnering up with a woman, like women do with men.
>…is what they'd say.Stupid feminist bitch, go back to lolcow.
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It actually has my blood boiling and ruined my night that there's an XX chromosome feminist bitch who posts here, and has been poorly trying to hide it for at least a couple years now.
I tolerate it, but having her post feminist garbage is making me really angry.
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Oh I'm not the femposter I was only ridiculing you celibate misogynists in fact I think you guys drove her out for good months ago. You can go back to being furiously mad.
>>633285Nice strawman. You are hilariously stupid. You sound just like the reverse of the dumb women who hate all men and make stupid strawmen about what all men are like.
>>633289You're also a pathetic idiot.
>>633304Haha! Bitch you're never going to strangle anything but your little ping-ping penis
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>>633310I was way, way more hopeless romantic ER /r9k/ misogynistic violent in my early 20s (2016-19)
She just triggered tf out of me last night.
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I can't believe how I'm still mad and frustrated hours after waking up.
I wouldn't kill you ota female, and I'm sorry I said that, but I can't even relax or enjoy things I'm so aggravated. Tried to jack off and couldn't help but think I hate women why am I jacking off to 2D images of them.