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bully producer, i will never give in
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I'm not on trial here besides I have a written consent.
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>>632741miria is a big girl and an onee-chan
>>632741Can a child consent? Rather ask if you have good enough reason to prevent it from what it wants to do and what is natural for its healthy development. Can a child consent for going out of house? What if someone abducts it there? What if a car runs it over? Better lock it at home until it's 18 and it's no longer on you if it dies, right? Doesn't matter it will grow up to be a pale unsocialized monster with depression who never saw sunlight, only if it's physically safe and you are legally safe. People nowadays have more trouble with sex than ever before, they don't know what gender they are, they have trouble dating, stay virgins, don't have kids, commit suicides. This wasn't the case in times when this supposed "law protection" didn't exist, how can that be? It's because this "protection" is actually a curse, it makes big deal out of sex, purposefully establishes a stigma and prevents natural development at everyone's pace. It labels people monsters for being attracted to the wrong age group, it labels them marked for life for having been touched by someone from a different age group, it label art a work of Satan if it shows a natural human body. It prohibits the depiction of young face because someone might find it pretty. This you think is a good society? Think again then.
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>>632751part of being an adult is acting like an adult
age is only a number
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Ota is hella jelly of my Blackpink K-pop branded Oreos.