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Here she says "ii senpai no kage"
This literally means "good senpai of shadow"
She means, "because I shadowed a good senpai", or just simply, because I "followed" or "trained under" a good senapi.
I can't really argue against this translation, maybe you could say "because I had a good senpai".
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Mom just got her mail-in ballot
There was all these third-party candidates listed on it, like Libertarian and Socialist Worker's party
I told her she should just vote third-party because in NJ it's blue anyway, why not vote for the socialist beaner de la cruz?
I checked it after she filled it out, she voted Kamala anyway
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>she voted Kamala
Why didn't you ask your mom why she is voting for the hand-picked deep state puppet candidate that has put us in multiple wars, ruined the economy and flooded the country with brown "people" in the name of globalism?
Better question why haven't you killed the retarded bitch yet?
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