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Why are western games so awful?
It's not even a modern thing, even in the 90s it was like, gross cartoon cereal-box mascot kusoge.
I just don't understand it, there's extremely few exceptions. Counter Strike, Half Life, Overwatch, Crash/Spyro, old Bethesda games up to Fallout 3/NV, Doom, N64 Rare games…
Like these are the best western games I can think of, it's a pretty pathetic small list.
Japan has been making art like Final Fantasy X, Ocarina of Time, and Nier Automata forever though.
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always knew it was called oat channel cause he loves quake(r)
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>>632324have you ever played ren & stimpy on the genesis? the art style of a lot of 90s western stuff left me traumatized my parents were completely computer illiterate so I pretty much grew up soaking up everything the internet had to give maybe those pegi warnings weren't all bogus
it might explain why I turned out the way I am