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Inb4 more like Metaphor RetardFagtazio
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Translate it weebs
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>>632153「Persona」 demo nai
「Megaten」 demo nai
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I thought v was like a mediocre version of devil survivor or 4, it's really hard when every game has the same setting and plot… It's weird how the best smt title besides nocturne was made by fucking career soft. And v had ok-ish character openers and hooks and art and music, but it just really didn't pan out nearly as well as 3 or 4.
It didn't help that utaware 2 and cold steel came out around the and time and blew them out of the water.
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Well at least atlus hasn't announced that the sheep is singing their game themes yet. Or worse, put the sheep in the game like disgaea.
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I'm gonna say it, Xenoblade Chronicles is fucking awful.
It's like dated 2000s MMO combat, where you're just clicking buttons as they come off cooldown, and it's too easy. There is no meaningful choice in upgrade of stats or equipment.
It's literally worse than 1990s turn-based combat and choice (e.g. FF7 materia system).
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>>632218 There's a ton of animation cancelling and stuff you should be doing if you want to play well. On top of chasing hp pots and shit.
Of course none of this is ever explained in game and you don't even have to learn it to beat the game on any difficulty that existed on release. No.632313
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>>632310Does persona or megaten have… elf ears?
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Guys the demo is out
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Gotta say I like the aesthetic and story-telling more than I thought I would. Very late medieval fantasy like (they use the word "fantasy" like 20 times)
Can't help but feel it's a little crypto-woke. Like there's a nigress but she's attractive, and the girls are fully clothed showing literally no skin but their face. Makes me worry about Persona 6.
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>>632843Yeah after playing more of the demo it I think it is.
I've really wanted a new game like this, with a new IP, even if it is rebranded SMT/Persona they try to be different enough.
I like how every enemy is called Homo (they're humans)
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Microsoft really GETS me (Fable trailer where the pixie gets eaten by a frog and people posted a pixie vore snuff copypasta about it for weeks meme, there's no knowyourmeme page yet but maybe I should try to get it added)
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>>631826You love it and yes, you should.
You think it's going to be the best game ever.
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owgirl found the vore folder yet refuses to swallow me whole
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"Tate! Nigero!" (Stand up! Run!)
The fucking translation said:
"Get up! Fight!"
Why? Literally why would they even change that? Is it because Ms.Eiselin Burchelli Meijal Hulkenberg is a strong woman who don't run away from no fight?
I've noticed multiple things like this at this point.
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It's out, but I'm gonna try to go to sleep and play it in the morning.
Goodnight ota
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I want Ms.Hulkenburg to pin me down and make me kiss her dirty elf asshole
She's so much stronger than me, I'm from the Homo tribe
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we all passed n1 hon
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Literally: "However, I'd rather have a king who thinks children are important"
Or more naturally: "a king who cares for the children"
Why change that? Americans would be like yo the king likes children wtf?
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Literally: "That guy's a stinky liar"
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Why can the fairy hover in mid air when the ship is moving so fast
Literal troll physics
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>>633980>turn-based combat>funfucking die infant
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Why are her sandals and leggings so erotic?
Weird pagan pussy and asshole, while her smelly sandals are still on
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1960s James Bond villain, vibes for getting high and watching the spy who shagged me, yeah baby
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>>642692*James Bond bass line starts playing*
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This is my NPC wife I found her pathing around town in a loop
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Playing Japanese audio you hear a lot of religious stuff that was removed.
Eupha summons "Vishnu" and "Shiba", real poo in loo shit like the brown cinnamon island bunny niggèr she is, not "deity" or "fury".
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