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So the book of Enoch is sort of like Genesis with more detail, especially on reasons why God flooded the world.
Genesis mentions Enoch, and has much of the same narrative, but the book written by Enoch goes into far more detail of the antediluvian (pre-flood) world.
There is no book included in the biblical canon that's from an antediluvian author, Enoch is, but is only included in unofficial canons e.g. the Ethiopian church canon.
The pre-flood story in Genesis is fairly brief, and was written by Moses, who lived around ~1500 BC (about 400 years after Israel and his 12 sons left for Egypt) far after the flood.
Enoch lived before the flood, and described the reasons for the flood in more detail. Genesis mentions that God regretted making humans, that humans were a mistake. In particular Enoch expands upon this and mentions "they keep impaling each other", speaking of violence with melee weapons.
Another issue was with the half angel/human hybrids, who were so large it became a practical challenge to feed them, as they would decimate entire farming fields and herds of livestock.
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The Black Parade FFX AMV with DIVX watermark? Inject that concentrated 2000s shit into my veins
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> Ibara Music - Bonds of Steel arcade synth track, composer Shinji Hosoe
Check out the "name entry" track too, that's way too good for the name select screen.
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I'm drunk again
> Sometimes My Bloody Valentine life AMV of the [WARNIN g] western movie "Lost int ranslation" with TOM hamks
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I tried making stuffing and green peas in pie crusts it was COMPELTELYTN fucked up my mom did nTOO like
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> 11h30 AMV, techno music. Competent programmers and tech enthusiasts of the 1990s, the kind making fun of people for Eternal September, were few on Earth and will retain that status for all of history.