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Made a funny clip of this video for my /jp/ gamers
merorin com/jp/res/14341.html
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Playing Kirby discovery and leveling in the war within and balatro.
Also yeah, star ocean 1 views party member tradeoffs and missability as the norm.
The combat is fine, but it can be hard to get used to doing all the settings and swaps, especially if you've never played a star ocean or tales type game.
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No. I watch middle aged japanese babas play and commentate on what's happening around them. It doesn't cost money instead you pay with your own time.
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Loaded up my Chrono Trigger save from like 2 years ago, and watched a story recap video. Thought about starting a new game but decided not to.
I didn't appreciate this game as much last time, it feels so polished. It's over-rated for a reason you know.
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set up a private bot aquarium now i have 1000 friends
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>>630663I was just thinking about WoW recently, it's been a few years since I played now. I only liked arenas in retail, I wish they'd make a game mode where it's only that with standardized gear, and you can select all classes.
Vanilla WoW is permanently etched into my brain, and associated with relaxing, comforting, tranquil, soothing.
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This track though
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>>63094430 years ago in 1999 meant 1969
we are now in 2024 which means 1999 was 25 years ago
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Klonoa is a definitely a video game. Cutesy Kirby-fantasy-esque art style, can enjoy in short 15 minute sessions if you wanted to.
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Me after playing Klonoa
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Wow this looks like complete shit, should I:
A) Upscale the 3D polygons, the pre-rendered backgrounds stay the same of course
B) Buy the remaster with AI upscaled pre-renderered backgrounds (those smudges yo)
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>>631175Chrono Cross is PS1, and it has those beach vibes best experienced with composite cables to blur them pixels and shit.
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No shader
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>>631305It's actually like turning the soul on and off.
The "fog" in the back doesn't even render correctly, the "glow" from the light on the left is just… yellow pixels
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>>631332clockup really went to shit when their old writers left
this one just released in english and it's really fun.
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>>631306>>631305sick crt filters my dude do they come with the trademark high pitch humming sound
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>>631351Thank you for your hard work
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playing xanadu next, I genuinely can't believe they put this much effort into making such a cool game to release it on NGage…
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work starts next week play time over I guess
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I can't tell if this is the most soulful game ever made, or Skies of Arcadia.
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Bitch died and came back and still had poison
Everything about this game is fucked up, truly the worst FF.
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Several spells don't even work, they're bugged
There is several overflow bugs when things hit 256 because that's all a byte can hold
The difficulty scaling is obnoxious, random enemy "Gigas" in Deist Cavern are exponentially harder than the next few bosses
Every single debuff spell is useless unless you cast it hundreds of times uselessly
There is a hidden wall in castle Flynn needed to progress which isn't hinted anywhere, you would've just had to randomly click on all the walls for some reason
The best way to level up is hitting yourself and wasting MP
There is tons of dead end useless rooms only meant to waste your time
FUCK THIS GAME, I am finishing it to move onto the much better FFIII and beyond.
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thinking maybe I should play japan's favorite video game dorakue holohags seem to adore it for some reason
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This is definitely the worst game I have ever completed.
I didn't even beat it legitimately, I save stated and healed myself right before random encounter tiles to avoid them
Why? Well, the random encounters in the last dungeon are far harder than the last boss. Yes, the difficulty balance is that stupid. Random encounters include enemies that are a joke right next to enemies who are harder than the last boss. The last boss is trivialized by using blood swords, something I probably would've thrown out if I didn't know how good it was against bosses thanks to the internet.
You could've spent hours in the last dungeon, only to be wiped by some random trash enemies, there's no save point.
There's enemies that turn you to stone, basically requiring Esuna 6. You would have had to cast Esuna 600 times to do this. I used the glitch where you just cancel the action and it still levels up the spell anyway, I wrote a script to do this rapidly and put the emulator on fast-forward.
You have key items from the beginning of the game taking up bag space because there's no way to remove them.
Tons of spells are useless until you cast them literally hundreds of times, uselessly… It is honestly mind blowing just how fucking insanely bad this game is.
If I had to play it over again, everyone would equip a shield to level up evasion, I didn't listen to people's advice on this, and if you don't do it from the start it's too late, it takes the entire game to level up weapons/shields. Unarmed is good/best up until the very end of the game, which is the hardest part, don't do it.
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FF3 is great on the other hand.
Night and day difference. Normal jobs system. Normal leveling system. Original FF2 is just some kind of nightmare game. It literally wasn't play tested.
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Wtf is an onion knight haha
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Finished Echo Night
Definitely way shittier than King's Field which is why I dropped it for so long right near the end. Idk if I really want to play 2.
Lots of stuff like "hohoho you didn't see this nearly invisible tiny object on the table you were supposed to pick up?" type shit you get stuck on for an hour wandering around.
Interesting piece of Engrish I found, "seculity information".
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speaking of tshit look what I found on their mom's fagbook
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another one
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Tecmo's evil bitches
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>>632430You seem rather evil, I think you'd like to play Tecmo's Evil Bitches
You're a prince and you're framed for killing your father (the king), so to get revenge you sign a pact with Satan and murder innocent people who come to your mansion.
Yes, that's actually the plot. It's very explicit about Satan.
The game isn't very good though.
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ok but what possible practical reason is there to expose your torso like this
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>>632947Boom, 2+2 is 4 minus 1 that's 3 quick maths, babe said take off your jacket I said no man's not hot, man's never hot
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I am never giving Nintendo another penny.
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>>633102That's why Nintendo is going so hard against Switch emulation now, at the end of the Switch's life, and not years ago
The Switch 2 will use basically the same hardware/software just stronger, and they know it will probably be easily emulated like how Dolphin did with Gamecube/Wii.
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how is nintendo so good
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The new Retroarch PCSX2 core was silently made public, they didn't "release" it but it showed up on their git repo a few days ago.
It has ParaLLEl-gs, my nigga the Maister is kind of a genius and does work like this in his spare time. It's basically a port of the PCSX2 GS software renderer to Vulkan compute shaders, so you can have sw renderer accuracy but with better performance and upscaling. It's not ready for general use yet though, it has too many problems.
The core itself also has a few problems still, but nothing that couldn't be worked out relatively easily or would require "throw it all the fuck out and rebase" like with the old core.
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I got so drunk and high last night I started playing Pikmin for the first time.
I found it oddly relaxing and soothing.
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If I can't win I won't play.
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whoa who's that shab on the left
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>>642868don't you sass me boy
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om ghurry upppp
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this logo is so crappy why are some letters filled with the outline blue and some aren't
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>>643566Do you like this one?
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Please stick it in me buddy
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you know how to tell the game was developed in china?
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>>643766It had Kingdom Hearts right?
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more like the powerpuff girls relish rampage
played midnight club 3 dub edition together when she came over
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Sonic the Hedgehog in Iraq
pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy PUSSSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!