File: 1724769516782.jpg (796.03 KB, 3838x2159, ea94b71d9617c7aaab4205a8c4….jpg)

Wow she's an especially good Futaba cosplayer.
File: 1724771246040.png (278.13 KB, 1817x1390, 2024-08-27-104735_2560x144….png)

I programmed my own method of downloading Tiktok profiles, since yt-dlp hasn't worked on profiles in years, but does on individual video links.
I manually scroll to the bottom of their page, ctrl+s save the HTML, and then use BeautifulSoup to parse out all the video links.
File: 1724776997079.png (132.96 KB, 1221x802, 2024-08-27-123632_2560x144….png)

Simplified it down to just 40 LoC, and fixed a bug with the vid count (de-duplicated the video array with set())
I don't think it gets any simpler or more readable than this. I've wrote a lot of "parse HTML" scripts over the years, which is generally considered a bad thing to do (the website can change the HTML at any time breaking your script), and I've looked at other people's code trying to do the same and it's always hundreds or thousands of lines of insane retarded shit.