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Pretty sure you can make personal amounts of amphetamines from packs of pseudo-ephedrine available OTC.
Or you could just drink tons of coffee
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why would you let them dim your star, drugs are for losers
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Wow it's literally just match heads, hydrochloric acid, iodine, and ammonia.
5 ingredients
>>630218I don't want more fake weak shit, no speed, no modafinil, no research chemicals, and NO caffeine I need the real thing NOW. I'd also like to try ritalin or Vyvanse too if necessary because I don't have that much faith in amphetamine
>>630219my star is as dim as it gets already, a black dwarf.
I need catalysts
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>>630222the red phosphorous is on the striker plate not the heads
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>>630229dont understand why people would try to kill autists by giving them fake ochem instructions but i guess online people are just 0-empathy ruders this is why you shouldnt try to do drugs
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>>630232dont trust girls shes just stealing your shine
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crying for otachis losing their shine to pillpusher whores
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a random memory just popped into my head I remember my grandfather asking me whether I had a girlfriend or not so I mumbled something in response and my father was also there and he says something like no of course he doesn't wtf dad
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Had a coworker ask if I was married and he said I seemed like I would be. Which is even weirder cause they all think I'm 23 and he said I look like the type to be married early. Other co-workers of both genders have said similar stuff before.
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why anti-gravity shirt but no anti-gravity boobs
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DUDE I mean doc… I can't focus on anything, I have hundreds of browser tabs open doc, I need… methamphetamine
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didn't read any of this get a life nerds
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>>630357I can relate, but I don't use speed, sometimes my dick won't get hard for my gamer gf
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yeah so after like, what has it been two, three weeks, of calling pharmacies and then relaying to the psychiatrist to send a new prescription and then calling back and only to find out not nowhere around has anything in stock and it's on backorder, I finally managed to get 10 mg generic adderall
i took it this morning (or well more like afternoon because I wake up at about 11 am) but it didn't actually do anything. Didn't feel any change at all really. Maybe a very slight little something but that was probably just in my head.