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but it's not your birthday yet
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remember when sakamata had a pizza party all by herself after her birthday live and zookeepers made fun of her for that
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happy birthday kaelak
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>>630546They literally have the same birthday?
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Imagine getting a towa for your birthday…
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>>630606Litterbox is intended to delete the files after a brief period, a max of 3 days I think.
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>>630607exactly there's enough trash on the internet already
File: 1725026118682.jpg (1.08 MB, 2464x3679, GRKe_XXa0AATYwB.jpg)'s playing shartstone again you better not miss it this time
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>>630623too bad his mind is still set on this slut
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We interrupt your regular ohashuba Fridaye night stream to bring you a duck sheep collab. No.630677
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thats a lot of ramen
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how embarassing…
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how is he so bad at battlegrounds
and how is sakamatard so good?
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orcas are smart
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hes so incredibly bad…
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he's a cuck
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She dated a girl at first but her parents were against it so she had to stop. She tried her best to date a guy because she felt bad for her grandma and wanted to be like normal people but couldn't even hold hands with him, wasn't sure if she loved him, wasn't sure if what they were doing even counted as dating and because of all this he eventually cheated on her with her friend and they broke up and it made her feel relieved (it explains why she hates ntr but loves breakups in bl). After that she has completely given up on dating because she realized it's impossible for her and not worth the effort. On that stream she also said things like how the idea of dating someone was revolting to her at first, how her relationship with him was far from what people usually mean by dating, how she can't stand being touched by others (one of the reasons she started "dating" that guy was because she wanted to overcome this fear and it's also one of the signs of autism, it's pretty clear she's on the spectrum since she plays shartstone), how she doesn't have the concept of a gender, how she's never been in a relationship in the traditional sense of the word, how she thinks of herself as a different species because she can't fall in love (not counting platonic love), etc and I guess this is where the theory that she's asexual/aromantic originates from.
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>>630757Also talked about unicorns and wondered if that even counts as dating to them and joked about how they would be confused by her existence. All this lines up with what she later said as Kuroe about not being able to hold hands and go on dates and kiss, not wanting to have a bf or marry anyone, etc. She also straight up told her viewers to fuck off from her stream if they are dating someone because she can't stand it, though she's fine with them being married. Basically she wanted to become someone who can fall in love, but failed and realized that she's fine with being the way she is and that being alone is not that bad.
Those are the things she said herself live on stream. Of course it's up to you whether to believe her or not. No.630763
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do you rele belev it?
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>>630763I don't really believe anything they say, but there aren't many reasons to doubt her either. At least she's been consistent in what she says and it lines up with what we know about her and what she's been saying for years. Even her sister said something along those lines so maybe it's something that runs in her family. Don't think she's even physically capable of being a good liar because her memory is so bad to the point it scares people around her, she would just start contraindicating herself yet no contradictions or dirt have been found despite her being around for a decade and having a lot of obsessed schizos and stalkers. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
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>>630775he only pretends to like her for jp cred he doesn't actually watch that shit
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Can't wait to hear about his beautiful indog daughter in 11 months.
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Indog is but a pretense. He's obviously going there to rape wamy for all the wrongs she did.
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>>630882He didn't. He said that learning how to register his phone number or use an app for coupons is a humiliation ritual and threw a tantrum.
And I thought he was joking when he complained about grocery and mcds prices
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Baku Baku?
More like Baka Baka…….
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>>631026Shouldn't you be working or at least working on the big peko mc server?
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>>631027I only play good games.
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since he can't play apex he's trying to woo madamada with his shartstone skills
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>>631035It's not hard to do when I'm this good….
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>>631079it's made in unity, it runs on phones and could even run in browser if they wanted it to
it's also 10 years old at this point
>>630175>T getting insulin spikes for his b daylol why di you even go out with them, dont you absolutely hate them? why in gods name havent you blocked the indog yet? You like your time wasted that much?
Invest your money in safe-ish stock/ DJIA etc.