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>>628703Jessie was voice acted by a woman? And they Seth Macfarlane'd it so she was Misty too?
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Y u no spam this thread too?
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Making pizza with the shitty pre-made pizza crusts but with good jar of sauce and mozzarella cheese.
Tastes great, aside from the crust it's basically as good as the best pizza places.
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I've long since learned not to ask God help you win the lottery or move stocks.
The only reason I want to win the lottery is to start a family.
How ridiculous is that? I don't really have any use for that money other than having kids, something poor people did since forever and still do, but not me.
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too real
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what did BB mean by this?
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Wow so otaku culture
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i will have enough for castoria when she comes back in a couple months
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