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Thank you for the nice Futaba pic, I like worn out AKG headphones, I have a pair of AKG headphones and realized I don't like open-back soon after, you might as well have just get speakers at that point.
>>626994She's wearing her green lined short shorts that ride up her ass, imagine the smell ew
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have a pair of sennheisers but much prefer my shibuya kanon headphones
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I am feeling existential FOMO (on pussy)
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thinking about the ota female i think we may have been a bit too rude hope she doesn't hold it against us
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>>627113something in the way you've written the post makes it sound like a lie despite situation being completely realistic… anyways
> I'm scaredthat attitude won't take you anywhere, but if you'd pretend to be embarrassed and say something along the lines of "umm btw i've always liked pigtails and it seems like they'd look especially good on you", you'll score TWO points and maybe she'll even do as you please!
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My female healer teammate in Overwatch said "Genji are you okay? What's going on over there?"
Because I was low HP and separated from the team in their backline
It actually made me feel really good, her voice was cute