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Dick in your ass
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neos life was considered oppressive and stifling in 1999
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I have never used either. I wouldn't trust the privacy of any chat app that requires a desktop client (i.e. not usable in a web browser), and certainly not any that require a phone number.
All the first-world pedos use Session, and the third-world pedos use Telegram because they have actual freedom/privacy.
Of course I use Discord, but strictly for technology/gaming discussion, I have no expectation of privacy.
>>626339btw if it wasn't obvious i meant in the context of self-hosting your own instance
both xmpp and matrix have webclients, and clients support end2end encryption
>I use Discordyou really are all talk whatmin
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>>626340mom says that matrix requires too many resources to host and generally sucks ass. haven't personally used it once since 2018 (it sucked then) and still dunno whether there are any killer features compared to old & tried xmpp (it has pretty much anything you'd want from chat software and the serverside is lightweight).
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post them