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No. 626271

Im slowly getting banned by the jannies on every subGaia on l3 ddit but the real question is how long until my account is permabanned?

Reminds me of 4chan 10 years ago when the normd started abusing the 3 day bans that werent appealable. When will the janny mennace end and let me post in peace?


have you tried not being a bad poster


die retard


got shadowbanned with my first post
such is the way


I tried to made a post for once on leddit recently and discovered I was shadowbanned. So there was a period of time last week I was banned from ota 4chan and plebbit all at once.


Im getting "empty response from endpoint" messages already from l3 ddit. Guess i lasted a whole 2 months on there. To be honest i didnt mind the people on there too much, im not sure why everyone hated it so much back then. Im pretty sure i got banned mostly from this thread where this 16 year old girl was complaining that her mom wouldnt let her go to a "party" that would of been just her and 5 guys. I said that seemed like a rape set up and all the other l3 dditors said my comment was "child abuse" when im not the parent who is allowing 16 year old girls to be raped by 5 boys in an empty house.


rape is just an otameme it's not real dummy


obviously since sex isnt real rape cant be real either



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